Jackie [part 58]

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"Mate are you alright? You seem so out of it." Louis waved his hands in front of me.

It's been a few days since I knew Sam was in the hospital because she wanted to suicide. Why? My baby girl would never do something like that. I needed to find her, I needed to talk to her.

"Yeah. Let's start from the top." I said and we started rehearsing our song.

I could never just shake the feeling that I could be the possible reason she wanted to die. Was it because of that one word? Leave. Or was it because her parents are just too controlling of her life? Whatever it was it had me thinking and it has never left my mind.

"Liam, do you need a little break?" Cass asked.

"Oh, um. sure..." I walked off and sat down in the corner. I needed to clear my head and being all stuffed up in here wasn't going to help. "Paul, is it alright if I take a walk outside?"

"Sure, but get Andy to go out with you!" He called as I walked out the door.

I didn't pay attention to Paul and just left. I didn't want to be with anybody, I just needed a nice walk by myself even if there were fans everywhere. I could always find a way to lose them.

"Liam!" Andy called me as I continued to walk and ignore him. I felt a hand on my shoulder and and turned around. "Don't make my job hard please."

"Fine, you can walk with me." I gave in and continued to walk. Luckily no fans realized I left and no one recognized me yet.

I walked and walked until I came across the coffee shop that I would go to with Sam. I walked inside and ordered a normal Latte with more milk. I sat down in one of the booths with Andy in front of me.

"Have you got a lot on your mind?"

I nodded.

It was kinda odd talking to my security guard about my feelings. You usually talk to your best mates or your siblings but never your security guard.

He didn't really say much after that though. I finished up my Latte and threw the cup in the trash. I walked out and started walking towards reheasals. I saw Jackie walking and I called her.

"Oh hi Liam!" She was really peppy. "I thought you were at reheasals."

"Yeah, just came out for some air."

"Well how are things?"

"Pretty good, I only just saw you a few days ago haha so not much have happened."

"That's cool."

I felt like she could be trusted and I would probably make her day if I asked her to come with me to rehearsals. I needed someone to talk to and she would be perfect to talk to.

"Are you doing anything later?"

"No, I'm just headed home."

"Do you want to come to rehearsals with me?" I put my hands in my jean pockets and bit the inside of my cheek.

"Sure!" She jumped up a bit and looked really happy.

"Alright come on then." I walked with her and Andy back to rehearsals. We entered through the back doors so the fans wouldn't really see us.

"Um, you boys wouldn't mind if we had an audience member do you?" I asked hiding Jackie behind me.

"No, why?" Harry raised his eyebrow.

"Because I'm HERE!" Jackie jumped out behind me and smiled.

"Jackie!!!!" Louis ran up to her and hugged her. He lifted her off her feet and spun her around a few times as well.

Going Crazy - Liam P & Louis TWhere stories live. Discover now