meeting the other side of the family [part 45]

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Liam's POV

It was New Year's Day. Today I was going to drive back up to Wolverhampton and have Sam meet my family. She didn't know about this though, it's suppose to be a surprise. Kind of. 

I've been talking to my sister Ruth and I've been telling her all about Sam. She sounded like she really liked Sam. I guess that's a nice start. I didn't really want anyone other then Ruth and the boys  to know because if this got out Sam's parents would apparently almost immediately make sure that her and I will end all sorts of communication and such.

My parents found out because Charlotte caught Ruth talking to me about Sam then she told my parents about them. I promised my parents I would bring her home and have her meet them all around New Year's. 

"I know you want, pop, you want dance, you want rock and roll." Sam's phone blared out.

"Shit." Sam whispered under her breath before answering her phone."Hello?" Sam said.

"What was that?" I asked Louis.

"Sounded like a mashup of some sort, haha!" Louis laughed and continued eating his breakfast.

"Sorry Mom and Dad! I know, I know. I've been really busy." Sam sounded really frustrated. "Okay, alright. Bye! I'll see you later." She hung up and covered her face with her hands and then made a groaning noise.

"What's up?" I asked.

"My mom and dad. It's nothing." She got up and went to put the dishes in the sink. Louis got up as well and followed her in.

I always thought something was up between those two, but I just don't know what. A week ago, Harry told me that Louis and Sam were having an affair. Of course I didn't believe him. One of two reasons. First reason, they wouldn't have time to anyways. We see each other everyday and I'm with her most of the time. Second reason, Harry didn't exactly have proof. He just said to trust him. It's not that I don't trust him. I do but I don't think Sam would do anything like that.

"Bye Louis!" Sam waved bye to Lou as he walked out her flat. 

Sam jumped onto the couch next to me, "What do you have planned today?" She smiled.

"Roadtrip!" I grinned. 

"Alright! Let's pack!" She jumped up and ran into her room.

I followed behind her and stood by the door frame. "I'm already finished so I'll help you!" I smiled and went to her closet.

I helped her picked out the clothes I see her wear often and toke them out. My blackberry vibrated and I toke it out to see the notification I got. It was another text from Maxine. I kept on getting texts from her because she didn't really love Louis and that she wanted to be with me. I usually ignored them.

"Thanks." She toke the clothes from me and folded them neatly. Then she packed them into her suitcase. 

"You ready?" 

"Yep!" She lugged her suitcase down to my car and put it in the trunk beside mine.

For the majority of the car ride Sam was sound asleep. She looked cute while she was sleeping. I woke her up when we arrived at my house.

"Wake up sleepy head." 

"Are we here already? Oh boy, it's already 10?" She yawned and rubbed her eyes.


"Where are we?" She asked as she got out of the car.

I didn't answer her, I just smiled. She lightly punched me in the arm giving a puppy dog face begging me to tell her where we were.

"You'll see." I toke the suitcases out and closed the trunk.

We walked towards the door step and I knocked on the door. Sam looked at me with a confused face. 

"You made it!" Ruth quickly gave both Sam and I a big hug. "Mum! Liam's here!" She yelled. "Come in!" 

"Who's this?" Sam whispered in my ear as we went in.

"My sister." 

"Liam!!!!!!!!!!" My mum came and gave me a big hug as well.

"Hello mum."

"Hi Mrs. Payne." Sam said shyly. She's usually never shy, she's always had a lot of confidence talking to everyone. I'm guessing maybe this was my mother.

"Oh please, call me Karen!" My mum smiled and brought Sam into the kitchen.

I went upstairs to put my things down in my room. Someone knocked on my door and I looked up to see who it was.

"Hello there little brother." My eldest sister Nicola had a little smirk. 

"Why are you still here?" I asked. She got married a few years ago so she shouldn't be home.

"I came to celebrate New Year's with mum and dad."

"Mhm, where's James? Shouldn't you be spending some time with him?" I toke my clothes out of my suitcase and placed them into my drawers.

"He's downstairs with dad and Louise. I see you brought someone home." Nicola sat on my bed and crossed her legs.

"Yes I did. Her name's Sam." I smiled and sat on the floor looking up at her.

"Isn't she your manager though?" Nicola raised her eyebrow.

"Yeah, but no one actually knows. Not even her parents. We're not even suppose to be together." 

"What?!" Her jaws literally dropped. "Why?" 

"Well, her parents had 'forbidden' any of us to date their daughter and her best friend who's the assistant manager Beth." 

"Why are you doing this then? You're never one to do something like this." Nicola was proper confused at this point.

"Well, what can I say? She's got me going crazy for her. She's my everything Nicola. I can't lose her. We've been through a lot." I fiddled around with the duvet on my bed.

"Well, just make sure you handle this properly. And know that one day her parents are going to know. You can't lie to them forever." Nicola got off the bed and went downstairs. 

I stayed on my bed for a few minutes thinking about that. Nicola was right, Sam's parents are bound to know one way or another. Whether it would be us telling them or if the paps catch us, they'll find out. We just hope it's not soon. 

My blackberry vibrated again. I picked it up and checked who texted or messaged me. It was Maxine yet again. I ignored it once again. This game was getting annoying, when will she learn I will not like her and it will always be Sam? I'm guessing never.

"Hey baby, why are you all alone up here?" Sam suddenly came in and pulled me off the bed. "You need to be downstairs talking to your family with me!"

I got off my bed and I followed her downstairs. Everyone was sat in the living room watching the tele. There was tea as well on the table. I sat down on the couch beside Sam. She handed me her cup of tea and I toke a few sips from it. 

The rest of night we talked about embarrassing things from my childhood, looked through old photos and drank tea. It was nice to be with my family again. 


honestly so sorry for being so late! been a week hasn't it? :S


so if i don't update within a few days it usually means,

a) can't think.

b) having too much fun to update ;S

c) can't think.

soo i hope you enjoy this part :) & I'll update asap! xx

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