watching like an eagle [part 49]

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"Good morning sweetie." My mom smiled oddly. I walked slowly to the table and sat down.

"Morning." There was already a place set for me so I just started eating.

My mom calmly asked me where I was last night. I told her simply I sleptover at Liam's. She didn't seem shocked by it nor did she ask 20 questions, so that's good. My dad asked me what I did there. I just told him exactly what we did.

"Wait where did you sleep then?" My mom suddenly asked.

"On the couch?" I lied.

"Okay..." My mom sounded suspicious.

After breakfast my parents asked if I had anything scheduled for today. I told them I had rehearsals and a few radio interviews. They wanted to tag along to "evaluate" me. Alright then, gotta stay away from Liam so I'll just talk to the other boys.

"Get in the car!" I ordered the boys as they shuffled out of the complex.

"Okay! Okay! Bossy girl!" Zayn laughed.

"Zayn I forbid you to sit by the window." Harry ran to the car and sat by the window.

"That's my seat though..." Zayn whined.

"He's always stealing our seats, don't worry. This way you won't have to roll the windows down." Liam chuckled and patted his back. I just stood back and laughed at them. 

In the car ride I sat beside Louis and the window. I talked to him the whole car ride about anything and everything. Literally. My parents were in another car, thank goodness. 

We had our first stop at BBC Radio 1. Of course all the boys ran out of the car and into the building. My parents' car was already there so I'm assuming they were inside. When we were walking inside I cuddled up to Liam while walking just because I can't when I'm inside.

"How are you going to tell your parents?" Liam asked.

"I was planning on telling them over dinner perhaps? But not yet. I want us to be together longer before we tell my parents because once I tell my parents they'll tear us apart for sure." I hugged Liam even tighter. I didn't want to lose him just like I lost Cody. 

"I'm sure they'll like me enough to let me stay with you." Something about the way Liam said it made me relax about the whole situation. He had that effect on people.

Inside my mom kept a close eye on all of us while my dad went and talked to some people around the station. I was sat beside my mom, she was ocassionally staring at me and then trying to figure out who I was looking at the most. Weird. 

As the day passed my mom made sure I spent less and less time with the boys. She would get my dad to hang with the boys and I would have to go with her. I wasn't even allowed to watch them rehearse. Even Beth was dragged by my mother to go shopping with her. 

Both of us weren't allowed near the boys until they were home. My parents went into my place and I ventured off to Zayn's because that's where everyone was. Good thing my parents didn't knock on Zayn's door. 

We were all just chilling at Zayn's. Beth was curled into a ball and cuddled up to Harry. I just had my head on Liam's shoulder and he had one arm around my waist. Louis was sat at my feet with Niall beside him watching the television and eating all the food. Zayn was on his computer skyping with Beatrice. 

"We should go and party." Louis suggested.

"You need to rehearse tomorrow. I think it'd be better if you were sober and not hungover." I messed up his hair. He looked up at me with his death glare. I just shrugged and smiled.

"Come on, I love me some pints!" Niall whined.

"You my dear irish man can have some pints here." Beth got up and walked into the kitchen. She came back with a few cans of beer and handed them to Niall and Louis.

"It's not the same." Louis looked pretty disapointed.

"Well, it's either you drink these or you don't get any at all." 

"Better than nothing. Cheers!" Niall opened the can and drank it all in two gulps. That boy really loved his Nando's and pints. 

After about 2 dozen cans of beer Niall and Louis were starting to get tipsy. They had a really good tolerance to alcohol surprisingly. Zayn on the other hand was already drunk. He was starting to puke everywhere. Harry toke him to the washroom and made sure he puked there and only there.

Oh boy. Beth and I looked at each other after Harry brought Zayn to the washroom. We knew what each other were thinking about because that's how tight we were. I got up at the same time she did and went to the washroom and kitchen to collect Zayn's cleaning supplies. We helped him clean his floor and other places he had puked. Good thing Niall and Louis blacked out because if they had drank anymore they would've started puking too. 

Liam also came and helped us out after he checked on Zayn. He's so nice and a great boyfriend, you gotta love him. After all of that, I slept in the arms of Liam on Zayn's couch. I think Beth slept with Harry on the other couch.


"NIALL! LOUIS! ZAYN! HARRY! LIAM!" I heard my parents shout whilst banging on doors. When they got to Zayn's I woke everyone up as quickly as I could.

"Guys! Wake up!" I whisper shouted. 

"Huh?" Beth rubbed her eyes and heard my parent's screams. She pushed Harry off the couch to wake him up. Brutal but effective. I went to open the door so my parents would stop pounding on all the doors.

"What are you doing at Zayn's?" My dad looked puzzled.

"Oh, we had a little chill time at Zayn's and everyone kind of sleptover." 

"Well, tell them to get ready! We're leaving for rehearsals in a bit!" My mom seemed very hurried.

I went over to Zayn's speakers and picked a loud song to play. I found Magic by B.o.B. ft Rivers Cuomo. I turned the volume up to the max and pressed play. Immediately the house was drowned with music. Niall and Louis jumped up from the floor and started mumbling something about hungovers and how they suck. 

Zayn was still fast asleep, sadly. He was always the one that was the hardest to wake. After everyone was all freshend up we all went into Zayn's room with pots and pans hoping that they would wake him. Harry counted 1, 2, and on 3 we all started banging the pots and pans and shouted as loud as we could.

"Shut up!" Zayn finally said.

"YAAAAAY! Getting Zayn to wake up is a success!" Niall cheered. Zayn groaned and got out of bed.

"Meet us downstairs in 10 alright?" I informed him before we got out of his room.


Downstairs we all waited an extra 10 minutes for Zayn. Guessing he needed a lot of time to fix his hair even if we didn't need to see anyone special. Louis had his beanie with a zipper hoodie and some jeans on, same with Harry. Liam and Niall had a hoodie and some sweats on while both Beth and I were wearing leggings and a hoodie. Everyone were wearing hoodies actually except for Zayn who wore his varsity jacket.

"You slow poke come on!" Beth hurried him into the car. Zayn walked slightly faster.

Rehearsals were all day. The boys got tired after every 3 hours or so. Beth and I played cards, talked to my parents, went shopping and bought the boys food. The vocalist were pretty hard on them, he kept on saying they needed to fix this and that. Were they really that bad? 


i hope you liked this. :) x 

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