back home [part 54]

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A few weeks passed, and Sam is still pretty down. We continued the tour without Liam. Many fans did ask where he went. It toke us a while to think of a proper lie to tell them. We didn't want to release that he was in the hospital. 

The lie that we had thought up was that he flew back to the UK for some family reasons. Also, because we were on tour, we had Liam flown back to a hospital in Wolverhampton where his family could take care of him. 

Beth handled the press really well, she managed to hush them down for a while. We don't know how long we can keep this a secret because one day, the paps will have no more exciting stories and they'll just use ours. When all of this does get released to the world, we'll have to do a press conference and then everything will get hectic.


"This is our last date." Zayn sighed.

"Let's make it our best one!" Niall said.

"Come on lads, let's do this poo!" Harry cheered. 

We stood on the side of the stage waiting for our signal to go out. Once the intro started we ran out onto stage. The fans cheered with excitement, we saw a bunch of banners. Most of them were pretty cheeky. I stood there for a minute staring at them. Sometimes I can't even believe we are actually putting on a show for thousands of people. 

"So, tonight is our last show." Harry started.

"And we want it to be the best one yet. So let's make some noise!" Niall shouted.

"So now, since all of you are pumped up. Let's start the show!" I said with a huge grin on my face. I pointed to Sandy so he knows he needed to start playing.

The concert ended with a loud bang. What a nice way to finish off the entire tour. We walked backstage and most of the crew members were there to tell us how great of a tour it was, how amazing the show was and all that.

We all went into the dressing room to get changed. In the middle of being changed the door flew wide open.

"We're on the first plane back to England, so get dressed right now! And hurry!" Beth ordered. 

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Because there was some sort mix up with our plane tickets, and if we don't get back now it may take us a while. All the planes are booked up until a month from now." She explained.

Everyone nodded and after she closed the door mayham erupted. Niall tripped over some clothes, Zayn fell on top of Niall, Harry bumped his head on a clothing rack and I just fell into a closet. We were all a mess trying to get dressed as fast as we can. 

"Oh boy, we're not going to get to the airport time." Niall laughed.

"Come on boys!" I stood up, "Let's get dressed!" I hurried the boys to get dressed. We managed to get dressed in a matter of a few short minutes. 

"Come onnn!!!" Sam urged, "We're gonna be late for our flight!" She pushed us out and into the car. 

During the car ride, it was relatively normal. Harry and Beth being all up in each other faces. Niall talked to the driver and Zayn was on his phone texting away with the windows down. I would usually listen to music or text Maxine and Sam would usually just stare off into space since Liam wasn't here. 

But, this time she seemed awfully sad. I was sat behind her so I poked her in the shoulders. She turned her head and looked at me with her hurt expression in her eyes. She pulled a small smile.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Are you alright babe?" 

"Yep, just a little tired." 

Going Crazy - Liam P & Louis TWhere stories live. Discover now