☆Chapter 21☆

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Okay, since I don't really want to do filer episodes and it's hard to get Red into things like the Human Zoo or the trial, this will take place on the episode, Single pale rose.

This is a bigish time skip and I might make some side chapters later on, just for cute stuff.

But lapis is gone. Red is closer with the crystal gems. Red has not been found or fused with anyone else.

She tolerates the gems much more and her and Peri and closer than ever.

I think that's all I need to say so, on with the chapter?


I'm currently helping pearl with some chores. She is trying to figure out a phone while I sweep the floors. Amethyst quickly retreats into her room for a phone case.

While she's gone, I hear steven approach pearl and talking rather quietly. I turn around slightly, listening in out of pure curiosity.

"So pearl...I know everyone tells me...mom shattered Pink diamond but...um...I was wondering if it was actually...you?"

Pearl freezes up, dropping the phone and covering her mouth, stepping away from Steven. I drop the brush.

If she's pink's pearl...and if she shattered Pink.

I knew I hated her from the very beginning!

My thoughts are interrupted as amethyst comes on and picks up the phone, giving it back to pearl, along with a phone case. After that, pearl quickly thanks her and runs back into her room.

I pick up the brush, quickly finishing the job.

After amethyst left again, Steven turned to me.

"Wolfie? Do you know anything? About the shattering?"

"I wouldn't mess with things you don't understand Steven. You've already caused enough trouble. Keeping me here, trusting everyone and everything. Asking Pearl...that."

He steps back from me and nods slowly.

"Peri! C'mon. Let's go for a walk or something."

Peri quickly skids out of the bathroom and grabs my hand happily. I sigh and head out of the temple. I need a break. I want to go home.

•••Loading your time skip•••! Load completed!•••

I sit on the sofa, peridot's head in my lap. All was quiet until steven came running down the stairs.

"Pearl! I got your text!"

He showed her the phone but she looked puzzled.

"I never sent you a text steven...let me check my phone."

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