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The day went on until it got to lunch time. Emma went into the staff room to see it was empty. She smiled and went to the fridge to take out her sandwich. She then sat on the sofa and started eating while looking through Facebook. Her phone then started ringing. It's Kieran.

"Yo" Emma answered.

"Hey. How's work" he asked.

"Good thanks. You?"

"Long. I am finishing late today since I've got lots to do. Will you be able to pick Logan up from school"

"I should be yeah. I'll leave straight away from work and go get him"

Regina then walked into the staff room. She looked at the blonde on the phone smiling and assumed it was another girl toy. She rolled her eyes and went over to make a cup of coffee. Emma ignored Regina even came into the room.

"Alright so I'll see you later" Kieran says quickly.

"Yeah sounds good. Laters" Emma replied before hanging up. She looked over to see Regina was making coffee. "Black. No sugar thanks"

"Excuse me" Regina says a little shocked.

"My coffee. I take it black with no sugar" Emma smiled.

"That's nice. If you want one get off your ass and do it yourself" Regina sighed as she looked over her shoulder.

"Well that's rude" Emma says as she stood up. She walked over to stand next to Regina and make her own coffee. As she walked over she looked at Regina's ass. "Do you purposely where tight dresses so your ass looks bigger and better" Emma asked as she looked at it.

"I beg your pardon!" Regina snapped as she turned around.

"I just asked. It's not a bad thing. It looks good" Emma smirked before winking.

"You are a child miss swan. Don't stare at my ass and make yourself a coffee" Regina sighed as she walked towards the sofas with her coffee. Emma laughed as she finished making her coffee. She went over and sat back down where she was. "So Emma do you actually have a love life" Regina asked looking up.

"My love life is like the gap between your boobs" Emma replied as she was still on her phone.


"None existent" Emma adds as she looked up.

Regina rolled her eyes as she took a mouthful of her drink. Emma laughed to herself as she continued to go on her phone.

"So your sleeping your way around the town and doing whatever you need to make money" Regina says smirking.

Emma was unaware Regina knew about her and Alex. She looked up confused as to what she was doing.

"I'm not a prostitute Regina" Emma sighed as she looked up at her.

"Ow that's now what I meant dear" Regina says with a laugh.

"What did you mean" Emma asked confused.

"Doesn't matter does it" Regina smirked.

Before Emma could speak Cindy and Leo walked in. They smiled at the two woman as they approached them.

"Hi guys. Look at you getting along" Cindy says smiling.

"Well not really. I mean hot shot over here thinks I'm a prostitute" Emma says looking up.

"Are you" Leo asked.

"Fuck you I'm not" Emma says annoyed.

Regina burst out laughing as the two clueless teachers sat down. Emma glared at the man as he sat next to her.

"Sorry I didn't mean to offend. I just wondered that's all" he says softly.

"Bastard" Emma says before pouring her hot coffee in his lap.

Leo jumped up as the hot liquid spread across its legs and jeans. Emma places her cup on the table and walked out of the staff room annoyed at the guy. Regina and Cindy both stood up to help him. Emma stood outside the room and frowned hard at how insulted she felt. All of this is happening because Regina started at the school. Now it's Emma's turn to get rid of Regina. She went back to her classroom where Mitch and a girl were.

"Thanks for asking" Emma says as she looked confused as to why they are there.

"It's too nosy downstairs. I thought you were in the staff room" Mitch shrugged.

"Yeah but Regina is a total and utter bitch so I came back. You can stay just don't fuck on my desks. I have to teach students on them" Emma sighed as she sat at her own desk.

She placed her head on her desk and pretended to be asleep. She was actually thinking about how she can get Regina back. She knows her secret about her ex. Emma had an evil plan that would get Regina back for calling her a prostitute and ruining the show she is putting on for everyone that works there.

Meanwhile Regina was doing the same thing. She couldn't believe Emma threw hot coffee on Leo's lap. Regina is now in her office after helping with the coffee.

"I shall destroy that bitch... if it is the last thing I do"

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