Book III-Chapter 33, Who Are These People?

Start from the beginning

The flight went exactly as planned. The four of them had walked Elaine and Bella's parents from the tarmac to the VIP lounge, helping them with their luggage and after hugs and kisses all around had re-boarded the flight for the short jaunt to Chicago. When the plane came to a stop in Chicago, Bella and Prince walked his parents into the VIP Terminal and said their goodbyes. His dad told him again, how proud he was of him and told him to call if he could help in any way. His mom just hugged him and told him how much she loved him and did the same with Bella. The plane took off within 10 minutes of them returning to their seats. They would arrive in LA in about 4 hours and 40 minutes. Prince settled in for the long haul. Bella looked up at him and said what's on your mind baby? His brow was furrowed which happened often when he was deep in thought. I was going to wait and talk to you and Carlos and Elaine about this a little later. Carlos and Elaine were sitting across the aisle from Prince. But there were empty seats in the back of the plane where they could talk more privately. The four stood up and headed to the back and sat down where there were 2 sets of 2 seats that faced each other. Prince told them about the odd response he had gotten from Andrea Williams when he told her they could not meet for an interview today. He shared how she had sounded annoyed, especially after she asked if he couldn't book another flight and he had said no. Bella and Elaine looked at each other and rolled their eyes. "Prince...this is an easy one", Elaine said. "Yup", Bella echoed. "The woman wants to hit on you and you did not show interest", Elaine said. Bella looked closely at Prince. He said "oh...okay I get it now I guess". He had not thought her attractive at all when he had seen her on Cloud Stream. Not that it would have made a difference, as he had exactly what he wanted in Bella, but even if he was looking, she would never have gotten his attention. She looked and displayed a hard and tough demeanor. Not at all like his beautiful Bella...and definitely not his type of woman. "Thanks for clearing that up ladies", he said. Now at least I can be prepared. "Prepared how", Bella and Elaine asked at the same time and giggled? "Prepared like Bella is going with me when I do this interview"...he said and then started talking to Carlos. Bella asked Elaine how old she thought Andrea was? Elaine said at least about 35...that is what Bella thought too. Oh well, I guess even the older ladies are going to have the hots for Prince. Well why not she thought...he is gorgeous! But, he is also mine she thought, smiling to herself. The four chatted easily until drink service began and then they started thinking about food; they were hungry. Prince looked up the aisle toward the front of the plane. Christian was napping as was his wife and some of the band were doing likewise, some were talking and some were playing cards. All seemed to be content with the way things had gone on this trip, he knew he was. Once dinner was served the plane got quiet. It seemed that most of them were hungry. After dinner Prince took a nap and eventually all of them were sleeping.

At about 6:15 PM California time, the announcement of final descent into Los Angeles was made. They were instructed to let their seat backs up, secure their tray tables and check their seat belts. They were then advised that the plane would be at the VIP terminal at 7:00 PM, 25 minutes early. The four chatted for a while and then after a smooth as butter landing...again, they were back in the city that for now at least they would call home. The plane came to a stop and everyone stood up stretching their legs. They gathered their totes and other personal things and began to walk forward to de-board. Frank and Larry went out first and checked the tarmac and the area immediately around the bus as it was already there. The band began to get off of the plane along with Christian and his wife. The four friends were among the last to deplane this time because they had been sitting so far in the back. When getting off, Prince thanked Greg Landers, their pilot for the great flights throughout the tour. He in turn told Prince how he and his lady really enjoyed the show and thanked him for the arranging the tickets. They shook hands and agreed to stay in touch. Prince and Carlos helped to transfer the instruments from the plane to the Tour Bus while Bella and Elaine, accompanied by Ross and Melvin, went into the VIP terminal to wait for the men to join them. Frank went to get the SUV that was parked in VIP parking , Larry stayed with the bus. As they entered the terminal, several people recognized the two of them and began smiling and pointing at them. When Prince and Carlos walked in, those same people started to walk toward them. Ross took the point position and Melvin the end position. Prince was behind Ross, Bella and the Elaine were next and finally Carlos and Melvin brought up the rear. Larry, came in alone. "Great review this morning" some of the people in the terminal said. "Love the Album Royal" someone shouted...but no one harassed them as they exited the building and got into the waiting SUV. Frank was in the driver's seat and and immediately took to the air and headed to the new house once all were inside.

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