[55] Bitter Relief

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Staying up late is something I usually did whenever I had a lot of things in my mind. I just couldn't drive myself to sleep with everything constantly bugging me in my mind. And right now I felt the most helpless feeling when I sat alone on my bed... watching the clock hit midnight...then one o'clock...then two o'clock...then three o'clock being all I could do.

Why wasn't he coming back to me? I had been waiting for him for MANY hours now! Was he alright? Was everything going according to plan or did everything fall apart?

I had a sick turn in my stomach when I thought of anything bad that could happen to Justin.

I immediately reached out for my phone and held it tight in my hand. I softened my grip as I scrolled over my contacts until I was on Nick's name, knowing that Justin's phone was off.

I was desperate. When Kate and Leah left around evelen, I was suddenly desperate to know if Justin was okay. I just wanted to know that he was alright and nothing bad has happened to him.

After a few rings, Nick answered, surprisingly not sounding like he just woke up or anything.

"Nick I...I need a favour."

He was quiet for some time before sighing. "You want to know about Justin don't you?"

My heart raced at the mention of his name. "Yes! Is he alright, do you know where he is?"

"Am, I think you need to relax a little. I'm sure Justin's fine."

"Well then why isn't he coming back? How do you know that he's fine? Are you with him now?"

"I'm not in their gang so of course I'm not with him. But I've known Justin and Levi for a long time to know that they can take care of themselves. I'm sure he'll be back soon. I understand you're worried but just try getting some sleep okay? I'm sure he'll be back by the time you're awake." He spoke with a soft voice as I listened, trying to convince myself that he was telling the truth. "Or do I need to come there? I can come and stay with you for a while if you don't have that much sleep. I'm sure Justin would be grateful."

I sighed as I told myself to decline his offer. I wouldn't be great company right now. "Thank you but nah. Maybe you're right, I'll try sleeping for a while."

"Okay. Call if you need anything okay?" He told me and I smiled a little. I was grateful for his support and he looked like he really cared. Justin must really mean a lot to him for him to care so much about me. I guess it's true that brothers don't always need to be blood related.

I spent the next hour trying to catch some sleep.


[Justin's P.O.V]

I felt my heartbeat pound hard against my ribcage as I stared down, trying not to look but my eyes betraying me. My body was still shaking vehemently from all the adrenalin I've been getting a rush of.

"Justin we need to leave now!" I heard Levi yell and I tried to move but I was still somehow glued to the spot I stood on. My sight couldn't leave the lifeless body sprawled on the white floor, surrounded by a pool of blood.

When I didn't budge, Levi reached out to grab my arm as he started running, forcing me out of my trance and run out the Peligroso gang house as well. There was a black van waiting for us outside the main entrance and we rushed into it and it started taking off in full speed. My heart was beating loudly against chest as my breathing got wild.

I slid the gun I had on the waistband of my jeans and took my head in my hands, letting out a deep exhale.

Levi shifted closer to me on the seat as the truck continued to take sharp turns. He didn't say anything and I got the feeling that he was refraining himself from doing so as this wasn't the time or place.

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