CH18-'She was abnegation, like you'

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"So, you lied to me?" I ask.

"No. Well...yeah but I didn't realise. I wasn't thinking straight" He defends.

We arrive at school and I begin to panic.

"Excuse me" I say and rush off the bus before anyone else.

"Tris!" Four shouts but I ignore him.

I turn a corner and he tugs on my arm heavily.

"Ow!" I yell.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to grab you that hard" he apologises.

I look at the ground feeling useless.

"So let me get this straight. You take me to an expensive restaurant, we laugh all night, you take me home, tell me you have a crush and then you kiss me and the way you looked at me. But that doesn't mean anything, does it? You were just 'confused' and you just said it 'out of the blue'" I shout.

"Your overreacting" Four snaps.

"No, Four, your being a stupid idiot and messing with my head" I shout and then begin to storm off.

"Tris!" He shouts angrily.

"Leave me alone!" I scream and he does.

I turn a corner and he doesn't follow. I hear a loud banging noise and I assume it is the bin hitting the ground by the sound it makes.

I walk to my first class which is Faction Studies. My eyes start filling up but I ignore it and I prevent myself from crying.

I enter the classroom and Caleb is sat in his seat. I slam my bag on the table next to him and he frowns.

"What's up?" He asks.

"Just forget it" I hiss.

"Sorry" he mumbles.

"Sorry, I'm just not in the mood" I say and I give him a sympathetic smile through my gritted teeth.

"Okay" he says.

Miss Andrews enters the classroom and places her files/folders on her desk that is placed at the front of the classroom.

"Right class. It's been a while since there were no lessons yesterday. I know your not going to be happy about this but since we missed Faction Studies yesterday, your going to have to finish your journals today. I mean, the introduction to abnegation, what abnegation is all about, what it represents, why abnegation was created, everything" she explains and the whole class lets out a sigh.

"It's not my fault and it's certainly none of yours. I'm sorry about this but we are just going to have to crack on" She says with a sympathetic smile.

"I'll hand out the journals and you may begin" she says and begins to hand out our journals.


"Times up, put your pencils or pens or whatever your writing/drawing with" she says.

I can't help but think about Four. I've never kissed anyone and when he kissed me, I forgot about everything that was happening. I felt like it was the start of something but I was wrong.

Matt warned me and now it makes sense. He's a player and I fell for his stupid game.

Maybe he doesn't want to be seen with an abnegation. I don't blame him either.

"Okay, dismissed" Miss Andrews says and I rise from my seat.

I exit the classroom without saying a word to Caleb.

My heart starts pounding as I realise that I have chemistry next.

'Pull it together, Tris. Just hold your grudge and you will be fine' My sun conscience tells me.

I slowly make my way to chemistry and I see Four holding his head, looking down at his desk.

I slowly make my way to my chair, trying to be as subtle as possible.

"Tris!" Four says and gets out of his chair.

"Just leave me alone" I snap.

The class goes silent until it is filled with 'ooo's from the students.

Matt and Ellen are sitting in the corner of the classroom looking concerned.

"I didn't mean what I said, I don't know what fucking came over me" he mumbles.

The class get back to their own conversations so me and Four sit down in our seats.

"when you led me on and told me you had a crush on me? You've made that pretty clear that you didn't mean what you said" I hiss.

"No. I mean I don't know what came over me when I told you I didn't have a crush on you because I do. I fucking do and it's killing me" He curses and whispers at the same time.

I frown when he swears as it's not something I hear everyday.

"What the hell Four! What are you trying to do? First you tell me you do have a crush on me, then you tell me you don't and now your telling me you do again?" I say in an angry whisper.

"I know. I just couldn't face the fact that.." He begins.

"That what?" I ask.

"That I think I like someone. I don't do this kind of thing" he explains.

"Well I'm sorry, Four but saying you 'think' you like me, isn't good enough" I snap just as Mr Williamson enters the classroom.

"I'll explain later" he says.

"Don't bother" I reply.

"Good morning students, did you all have a good day off yesterday?" He asks.

"I thought I did" I mumble to myself.

"I heard that" Four whispers.

"You were meant to" I reply.

I see Four glare at me dangerously and I feel like someone has just stabbed me.


Ellen and I walk up to our usual table where Matt, Ava and Jay are sitting.

"Hey, are you okay?" Matt stands up and asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I smile.

"What happened?" Jay asks.

"Four happened" Matt explains to Jay.

"Wait, you know Four?" Jay asks me with a gulp.

"Yes, why?" I ask him.

"Just be careful around him" He warns.

"That's what Matt said, why do I need to be careful?" I ask them all.

"Are you going to tell her or should I?" Matt asks him.

"Tell me what?" I ask impatiently.

Jay sighs.

"2 years ago, Four slept with a girl called Laura. Four was involved with gangs within dauntless then. She loved him, she really did but he didn't love her. He used her for sex and he got her to do things she never thought she could do. She lost her friends and her family because of him. She chose him over them and he lied to her. He told her he loved her. He didn't though. She was abnegation, like you. 4 months later, she got pregnant. Four tried to force her to have an abortion and she almost listened to him because he was afraid of loosing him. She was on her way to the hospital in Amity when she changed her mind. She ran away but she never came back. Rumours spread around about her killing herself which gave Four a 'badboy' reputation or whatever they want to call it. It didn't stop girls sleeping with him though. He's a babe magnet but they all get crushed and destroyed by him but they don't stop coming. I hate to say this, but you could be his next victim" Jay finishes.

My heart races and I feel my face turn white.

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