CH36- 'You're safe and that's all that matters.'

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Yawning, I see a hand-written note laying besides me. I frown and open it carefully.

Gone to HQ, see you tonight ;) - Tobias.

I smile, imagining his deep voice saying those words to me. I check my watch, feeling quite awake.


I dash out of bed and towards my new wardrobe that sits opposite our bed. Our bed.

It's 11:30am. Needing to be at HQ for 12pm, I slip on the black jeans, trainers, a plain black T-shirt and the jacket that Jane gave me yesterday afternoon.

Stepping out of the door, I hop as I tie my laces and then put my hair in a bobble.

I run rapidly towards the HQ centre. I begin to ask myself questions. What training do I need to do? Do I specialise in certain things?

Tobias' POV

Walking towards the helicopter, I squint as the sunlight reflects into my eyes.

"Are you ready?" Agent Chambers grabs my arm, preventing people behind me from walking forward - hence they walk around.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I frown, feeling frustrated by the fact I can't tell Tris what we are doing.

"Touché." She is taken aback, making me lay off a little bit.

"What am I supposed to tell Tris when she asks what we did today?" I question Agent Chambers, feeling angry and betrayed.

She looks me in the eye almost immediately and then sternly says, "You make up a damn good story."

I roll my eyes before loading my gun and then putting the safety trigger on, just so it doesn't go off whilst in the helicopter.

I follow Agent Chambers into the helicopter along with three other agents who seem unfamiliar.

As we fly over the amity fields, I see the gates and I know exactly where to look first.

"You all know that somebody broke in or got out last night, don't you?" She asks and we all nod steadily, "We need as much evidence as possible to help us find out who it was. The slightest footprint mark could lead us to the right information, or even some tissue paper that could have come loose from their pocket."

"Get ready to jump." She warns, so I shift towards the helicopter door as it opens.

I jump first, landing on the soft grass covering the Amity Fields. I stand up straight and bring my gun forward as I and the other agents jog towards the city gates.

Agent Chambers leads as the helicopter hovers over on the other-side of the field.

I scan the ground for anything that could relate to a human being. I find a plastic bag and hand it to Agent Chambers but she says it's useless, hence we set it free.

Suddenly, another agent calls us all over to where she is looking. A black shoe lays there with a few leaves scattered on top. With gloves, Agent Chambers picks up the shoe and places it in a bag.


Tris' POV

"Let me help you," A cute guy smiles as he positions my punch bag, "turn around."

I turn around and he pulls the back of my body guard hard, so it is a lot tighter and firmer.

"Thank you." I smile gratefully.

I begin to hit the bag at an angle so I am putting more power into my punches.

"Everybody stop." One of the leaders rushes into the room we are in, "Agent Chambers has an urgent message for you all. Go to the Main Hall immediately."

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