"Son, what's been on your mind? You're not speaking much these days." The King asked him, a bit worried.

The queen turned her head towards them, wondering the same thing but putting it in her husband's hands to being that up.

Jungkook stared at the ball being exchanged by the players and he just dropped his own.

"What if I don't want to wed that woman?" He asked.

The queen gasped in surprise. "Oh my...where is this coming from?"

"Calm down, darling. He's speaking his mind." The King told his wife softly and looked at Jungkook.

"We do not hold you for that, our heart wants what our heart wants. As long as they're a Jeon, we do not hold you for that. We love you dearly, son." He said supportively and pat his back. "Have you fallen in love?" He asked to make sure.

Jungkook kept his eyes on the game and thought about it. He then nodded slowly. "I have."

"That's wonderful news." The King smiled. "We can't wait to meet that lucky someone. But remember, they have to present themselves in front of the court to get crowned to be your queen at your coronation." He said.

Jungkook just nodded slowly and gulped. "Yes, I know father." He said quietly and ran a hand through his hair.

Jimin sat down on the bench next to his best friend, waving at his brother, Jin, in the back who was speaking with Namjoon.

"Hey, Jin-Hyung!" He yelled and bowed from a distance. Jin smiled and bowed back, telling him he'll be over in a moment.

Their family was weird but their was a simple explanation to this.

Jin and Jimin's mother was a Kim. Jin's father, was a Kim as well. Which made Jin, a Kim.

Jimin's father, who wasn't the king yet, basically seduced Jin's mother, and she ended up birthing Jimin, who by dynasty rules, is a Park.

His father hid this among other dynasties to prevent his son for being ridiculed for not being a full Park and still being heir to the crown, because that simply, wasn't seen as the best idea.

Jimin was forbidden from seeing his mother unless it was during meetings where he had to pretend like she wasn't his mother.

This continued until she and her husband, Jin's father, died mysteriously.

The only people that knew this information was Jimin and Jin's parents, Taehyung, and Namjoon. Jin and Jimin lived in their separate dynasties for a reason. But they still took good care of each other.

"Hey Jiminie." Taehyung said softly and pat his but a little bit. "Hey Tae." Jimin breathed out deeply and laid back on the bench. "You haven't really spoke to me In a while."

"I know, I'm sorry for that, I've been a little busy lately." Taehyung brought out a little gift and gave it to him. "Here, I got your favorite as a start to make up for it."

Jimin side eyed him a little before taking the bag from him and looked inside.

"Wow, Kim's infamous dumplings." He said softly, they always reminded him of his mother. They were her favorite.

"I'll accept this mediocre bribe temporarily." He sassed and put the bag to the side, "Any luck on finding your mother's killer?" he asked.

Taehyung's mind froze for a minute.

He completely forgot about that.

"I know who did it I just don't know how to prove it." He mumbled, running a hand through his hair.

Jimin nodded. "Well you may want to get on that, you know how ruthless the Mins are, just accusing them could get you buried right next to your mother. I could try and get you some help from the Jung Dynasty, they have a lawyer son. He's amazing apparently." He pointed out and looked out at the grass. Taehyung nodded, "Of course."

"Plus, I suspect the Jeons are up to something as well." He added and Taehyung's head looked at him so fast at the mention of their name. "What are you talking about?"

Jimin ate one of the dumplings out the bag. "Why is Jungkook becoming king so damn fast? That age rule is barely relevant in their history and suddenly it's so important now. They're covering up something. I just don't know what. Plus, Yoongi becoming Jungkook's right hand man lately, you'll never catch the two split apart." Jimin laughed a little.

Taehyung's eyes furrowed a bit and he nodded. "Really?" Jimin nodded after him. "See it to believe it. They might as well be the married couple."

"A Jeon and a Min?" Taehyung asked and laughed a little at that. "No way that's happening.." He said softly, keeping a smile up to hid his confliction.

"It wouldn't be a surprise, they're close partners. But if a Jeon and a Kim got together, that's much much worse." Jimin stated and ate another dumpling casually. "But I know Jungkook and Yoongi aren't together because they're both heirs. They can't be. Second of all....two tops don't make a bottom." He mumbled that last part.

Taehyung's jaw dropped. "Wait so what would happen if a Jeon and a Kim got together, like... hypothetically speaking?" He asked slowly.

Jimin looked over at him and paused, chewing slowly. "The worst, imbalance of power that may as well cause all the Dynasties to collapse. A revolution, a war. But I doubt that would even happen in the first place. It's been a while since the Jeon and Kim dynasty has had any sort of spiritual connection. I believe the gods broke it off out of spite. So they could never be together. The two most powerful dynasties together causes absolute chaos and greed. Understand?" He raised his eyebrows at Taehyung.

Taehyung looked down at the ground in thought and slowly nodded. "Yes, I do."

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