Book III-Chapter 28, Practice Makes Perfect

Start from the beginning

Elaine and Carlos joined them just in time for the news.  If Day 17 held, the anchor said it would be 17 days that the peace had been ongoing in the state, and the peace had held through the night in New Orleans and Atlanta also.  St. Andrews Catholic Church in New Orleans had organized a day of prayer and Thanksgiving in New Orleans.  The day would be held on their sizable campus and was open to all denominations.  Prayer teams would pray all day and there would be food and games and rides for children.  Atlanta had heard about the plan and was going to do something similar at Mt. Zion Baptist church there.  Both days of prayer would be this Saturday...and all who wished to, were welcome to attend.  Prince smiled at the thought of the interdenominational prayer day.  Carlos and Elaine went to get dressed as did Ross and Melvin. 

Bella and Elaine took the coffee cups into the kitchen and quickly washed them and put them into the drainboard and then went to pack their costumes and lay out the clothes they would take to travel.  Since they were going to both San Francisco and Irvine...they needed some jackets for the weather in Northern California.  It would be very humid and hot in New York so they needed to pack wisely.  The packing took a good little while as after they laid out the clothes, they needed to have Prince and Carlos make certain that the things that they had selected for them met with their approval.  Prince changed out a shirt and a jacket and Carlos changed a pair of pants and a shirt. They made certain that they had matching socks and shoes and adequate underwear.   The woman then put all that was selected into their hanging bags.   They would pack the totes early Wednesday morning with their makeup, lotions and deodorants razors and other personal things.  At 12:00 Ross said, "I made some sandwiches...come have some".  They all gathered in the kitchen and ate the delicious tuna sandwiches with chips and the mixed fruit drink he had made also. Ross and Melvin cleaned up the kitchen and then they gathered up their things and got into the SUV and headed to the Rehearsal Hall. 

They arrived at 1:45 PM to see that the band was already there and the instruments had already been unloaded. Melvin and Ross walked the Rehearsal Hall and then the two couples entered.   Prince addressed everyone saying that he knew they had some intense days ahead but he also knew that they would be great! He asked that they rehearse the show just as they did it in Atlanta and New Orleans.  That order was:

If I Love You

I Love You Still

When 2 Are In Love

Bella's Eyes

The Ladder

Holy River

Living for the Music

Baby I'm A Star

Cool Breeze

Get Blue

Make It Funky Now

Future Soul Song

4 The Tears In Your Eyes

He shared that he knew they were rehearsing and performing a limited amount of songs and reminded them, that these concerts were specifically to promote the album, so they would keep to the songs that were on it.  In their next performances they would add to the set list again.  He played some chords to ensure that all instruments were tuned properly.  While he was doing that, the girls changed into their practice leotards and did some warm-up stretches.  He then started the band playing and said If I Love You ...on the One.  They rehearsed the first three songs without comments.  Bella's Eyes,  Prince gave some commentary on.  He wanted it done again and they did.  He was still not satisfied.  After further comments, they performed it a 3rd time and this time, he was all smiles.  "Beautiful"he said..."just like the girl it is written for".   Bella blushed while all of the band members shouted their agreement.  They then moved into the next four songs in the Set List.  The Ladder, and Holy River went extremely well.  Living for the Music was performed very well also.  Baby I'm A Star he had several comments on.   They went through it a second time and then a third.  Prince still was not pleased.  He called a 10 minute break and they got some Gator Aide and or water, and then returned to their instruments.  Prince had them play again and this time the only thing that could be said was WOW!  They blew it away.  They moved directly into Cool Breeze and Get Blue. Prince took great pride in the way the band delivered those two songs.  Make It Funky Now went just as well.  They took another break.  While on break, he told Bella and Elaine that he wanted them to sing harmony in the next three concerts on 4 the Tears In Your Eyes as well as Future Soul Song.   They nodded their understanding and when the band re-assembled they did Future Soul Song.  When they finished Prince smiled and said "that was amazing".  Let's try 4 the Tears in Your Eyes.  He put down the Electric Guitar and got the Acoustic out of its case and played a few chords.  Then He played the song all the way through and then began to sing.  As he did, Bella's eyes started to water...and she and Elaine nailed the harmony.  As they finished and they looked around, there was not a dry eye in the entire band. 

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