Book Six Chapter Thirty-One

Comincia dall'inizio

Jake brought up first then Roxy, their eyes catching ours but not sticking for long, they quickly avert their eyes away from us. The case begins everyone talking, Roxy's barrister standing up.

"I would like to point out, my client made a full confession, she admitted to all charges that were put before her, while she may have held the gun that shot the bullet, she had no part in the boxes sent to torment the family, she did not intend to physically hurt anyone, and Mr Jake O'Brian, used her broken mental state to drag her into this" 

Her broken mental state? So she is claiming she had no idea what she was doing but takes all responsibility? Jake's barrister saying the same, only blaming most of the boxes that were sent to scare Alena and Jackson were in fact, Roxy. Sitting we wait, the judge finally ready to give updates on their sentences.

"Mr O'Brian, considering you played a very little part in this, and have already served nearly five years. You will be given a new sentence of six months, this sentence is suspended for a year" What, Jackson looks like he is ready to jump over and hit him, my hand ready to grab him, six months and not even that because he will be out now and safe if he behaves for a year, then what? He does it all again?

"Miss Smith, due to the nature of your crimes, the tampered car, the fact one of those accidents did, in fact, leave one of the defendants in a lifeless state and needing to be brought back, I am not ignoring what you have done. Not only did you terrorise an innocent family, but you put children at risk by fiddling with cars that could have killed the children. When that was not enough, you also shot someone, someone who did in fact died, but lucky was brought back. I will not be reducing your sentence. The first sentence imposed I do not personally think was enough, however I can not add more time on, so your request to have your time reduced is withdrawn" 

Relief washes over me, the tears building in my eyes, they must have enough evidence to prove it was, in fact, her who did most of it to charge her and not Jake. Jake may be getting out this week, but Roxy won't.

"Jackson don't" I look at him, his eyes locked on Jakes.

"Imagine Alena's face when I have to explain you are locked up for trying to kill him in the court that we failed to tell her about" He stays staring at Jake, what he thinks it will achieve I don't know, Jake turns facing him, his smile smug and I can see Jackson getting ready. My arm grabbing him and pulling him out.

"What the fuck Jackson, fine you want to protect Alena, but getting yourself locked up" Shaking my head I want to laugh.

"I would get what, three years for breaking his legs, so he never walks again, it would be worth it Marcus."

"For you yes, but what about Alena? Three years of you locked up, it wouldn't be worth it for her, and you know that. Let's just get home, and you can talk to her" Walking towards the exit he follows.

"We talk to her Marcus, she needs to get used to there been three of us, and not worrying about talking about things to us both at the same time" 

Walking out we get in the car, all the way back discussing how best to tell Alena, deciding the best way is just being home and straight out with it. Walking in she is sat at the table, clearly looking at us wondering where we have been.

"We need to talk kitten" Jackson sits on one side of her as I sit on the other side.

"Oh, tag team? I like this" She smiles licking her lips, this woman is amazing.

"Not tag teaming, it is about Roxy and Jake" Jackson putting her straight, and she nods looking at him.

"The trial was this morning, that is where we were, Roxy wasn't given a reduced sentence, had it been that judge she would actually have got longer in the first place" She looks at me as I finish talking.

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