Book Six Chapter Three

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Alena finishes cooking, walking over to the table she starts setting the plates down, standing up I go to walk into the living room.

"Stay and eat, I made enough for you as well" I turn to Alena's voice, nodding I sit down, we begin eating, the girls talking quiet, it feels strange the girls are nearly five, clearly able to do a lot for themselves now. 

Sitting they talk about their favourite dolls and what to play after breakfast. Marcus is two, clearly still a baby, and clearly missing his dad.

"So, the plan today is work, I feel awful getting you to work when it really is not needed, but it was an agreement to make Jackson feel safe leaving me here without him or" She stops and looks at her plate, clearly upset. I look at her waiting; she lifts her head and smiles.

"Sorry, we had a friend who would be here if he could be" She carries on eating, and I can tell that friend she speaks of is Marcus.

"Anyway, I am sorry as this job won't be exciting, and it will be far from challenging" She looks at me apologetically, clearly not happy that I have to be here.

"It is fine; a quiet few weeks will do me some good. Get away from all the danger for a while. You have a beautiful family Alena, I can see that myself, and I wouldn't want anyone breaking it for their greed. So I am happy to be here, even if nothing bad occurs just so we can be sure you are safe" 

The words come out before I think about them, the memory of Christmas taking centre stage in my mind. Me telling she has a beautiful family and I wouldn't do anything to destroy it. I look at her hoping she has not realised, relieved when she just smiles and nods.

"That is a relief, thank you, Adrian, I didn't want someone who would feel bored because there was no action" She is sincere, yet I don't blame Jackson, with everything they went through it is not surprising he did this. 

Which proved to be a good thing, as this Spider guy is using Jackson been away to use Alena's business as a hiding spot. The door opens, the babysitter walking in.

"Morning Alena" She looks at me and smiles carrying on walking towards the kitchen.

"Morning Jo, same as always" Alena finishes eating, gathering the plates and carrying them to the kitchen.

"You remember Adrian; I am sure you two will get to know each other better within time" Jo nods, carrying on with her task, seemingly feeling right at home.

"It must help that she has known them for a long time, and built up that bond with your husband away" The kids need that, someone here they have bonded to, and the babysitter is that person.

"In a way, Jo has only been here about three weeks, to be honest, the old babysitter just never showed up, no contact nothing" So Jo does not have such a strong bond with them.

"That is a shame, strange she left without warnings or any explanations though" I don't understand why anyone would do that, children need stability, the babysitter been one, so to just go doesn't make sense at all.

"I have no idea, I can only assume she either got a better offer or was not comfortable with the lifestyle me and Jackson lead, we called to her apartment, but it was empty, totally cleared out." I find that strange, maybe I should get the lads to look into the old babysitter, was she here just to get intel on when Jackson was leaving? 

I can't exactly just ask her for the old babysitter's name, that would look strange, I am a stranger to her. Getting up I start getting ready, Marcus crying, trying to cling to Alena once again, you can see how much it breaks her heart walking away. 

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