Chapter 49

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Ryan's POV
"Stop it" I screamed out, punching the floor beside me. Spencer was shouting my name, trying his best to get a hold of my hands to prevent me from continuing.

Everyone else were just staring. Just fucking staring. Because whenever someone loses their mind, it's all so interesting to watch, isn't it? Fucking morons. If they ask about it, they're not doing it out of caring. They're doing it because they're curious. Because it's exciting in their eyes.

So they just stare and make the situation worse.

Just fucking stare.

"I swear I'll stab your eyes if you keep staring one more second!" I yelled, not sure whether I was being clear or not. I couldn't hear. Couldn't hear myself. It might as well have been really muffled. I could barely even open my mouth. But whether or not I said it, it was worth giving it a shot. But threatening them is all part of the fun in their eyes, isn't it? So their eyes just widen and I can faintly see them whispering to each other. They don't even move.

Then, suddenly, someone is grabbing my arm in a firm grip and I'm thinking it's him, my baby, maybe he came to save me.

But the cold hand tightens its grip until my blood circulation stops working and pulls me up roughly. It wasn't gentle at all.

That's when I realised it wasn't Brendon. Brendon would never do that to me.

So much for high hopes.

"What do you think you're doing?!" My official enemy, the principal, shouted only a couple of centimetres from my face. If it wasn't for my already bad hearing I'd probably be deaf by now. I was pressed against the wall, my grief slowly being replaced with anger.

"Fuck off!" I spat, kicking him between his legs. I may have been dizzy and I may have been unstable, but I still managed to do that. And just when I thought his face couldn't get any more angrier, it actually did. He looked furious, his face a shade of darkred and eyebrows almost touching by the bridge of his nose.

"Enough!" He yelled, his voice being deeper and darker than ever. Everyone around us, including Spencer who was still on the floor being confused as hell, were shocked by the principal's sudden outburst and gasped. The ones closest to us backed away in fear.

He grabbed both my shoulders and shook them while cursing at me. Saying it didn't hurt would be a lie. But I didn't even care right now.
"You've made my job miserable! You don't even deserve to be here!" He said loudly in anger. In the corner of my eye I saw Spencer standing up and getting ready to get between us, but I shook my head, not wanting my best friend to get in trouble because of me and my actions. Luckily he did as I wished. But knowing Spencer, if this got any worse, he wouldn't even hesitate stepping up for me.

"Then let me go." I whispered.

"No, because you're a fucking little bitch who deserves to suffer!"

"Then fucking decide. Am I staying or not?!" I barked, sick of his complaining. Just let me the fuck go already and we'll both be happy.

"Shut up! Just shut the fuck up! I don't ever want to hear your voice again you fucking idiotic troublemaker!" He said in rage and believe it or not, he slapped me. He fucking slapped me. My cheek stung as I cursed wildly under my breath.

"You're abusing your students." Spencer said eventually.

"Huh?" Mr. Dawson let go of my shoulders and slowly turned around, clenching his jaw.

"I said, you're abusing your students." My best friend repeated and clenched his jaw as well as he straightened his back to look bigger.

"So what?" The principal laughed in disbelief, kicking a coca cola can someone probably had dropped earlier.

"It's illegal." Spencer said calmly but oh boy, if only Rian knew him. Spencer may seem like a softie and I suppose he is but yet he's the toughest guy I've ever met. I know he's gonna corner Rian Dawson eventually, the worst principal in history.

Our principal stayed silent as he gritted his teeth.

I'm surprised no other teacher came to stop this. I suppose they're all douchebags then. Well, except for Taylor. If she was here she wouldn't hesitate even for a second to help me.

And what doesn't surprise me is all the people crowded around us, still staring like they've never seen another human being in their miserable little life.

"Come on, Ryan." Spencer swallowed dryly and motioned for me to come with him. We moved past everyone and made our way to our dorm.

"He can't get away with this." He said as we were about to open the door to our room.

"We don't have any proof." I mumbled.

"Except for everyone who saw us and the red mark on your cheek." He said and grinned at me. I was just about to take a step inside when a voice caught my attention. It called out our names.

"Ryan, Spencer, wait!"

Our eyes found a panting boy running towards us in the slim corridor. It was Kellin. His raven coloured hair flew behind his shoulders, looking like it could barely keep up with his pace.

"What's up?" Spener asked and frowned.

"The principal can't get away with this. He basically abused you, Ryan." Kellin said after catching his breath.

"Not exactly any news." I sighed.

"Well... I recorded everything." Kellin bit his lip nervously.

"Wait, you're saying that you got a video of the shitbag abusing a student?" Spencer lit up in joy. I mean, obviously, that's basically what Kellin just said. The boy nodded eagerly anyway as if Spencer didn't understand anything, but I know he understands. Why drag it out though? Excitement?

"Then the fuck are we waiting for?" I burst out.

"What do you mean?" Spencer asked.

"You know what I mean." I smirked and nudged my best friend's shoulder.

"We can frame him!" Kellin grinned.

"We can finally get rid of the shittiest shitbag of them all." I said. And possibly get Brendon back... Fuck. I need that to happen.

It's like there's a hole in my chest and Brendon's the missing piece.

And only he can make me hole again.



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