Chapter 4

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Ryan's POV
I eventually walked over to Brendon. I wanna know what he wants. He's been staring at me for a good minute now. It was like some staring contest.

He tensed up as I got closer. He was only a little bit shorter than me but it was enough for me to get a boost of confidence.

"What do you want?" I asked cockily. I was so close to him right now, I could feel his breath tickle my neck.

"What do you want?" He repeated in a low and deep voice. He raised his eyebrows like I did a few seconds ago. Was he trying to annoy me? Because that's probably the only thing he's succeeded.

He's such an annoying person.

I leaned in to whisper in his ear. My lips were in just enough distant so that they wouldn't touch a single part of his skin.

"Why were you staring at me?" I whispered. I then saw goosebumps on his skin. It must've been because of the warmth of my breath or something.

"Because you were staring at me." He smirked.

Once again, annoying.

I pulled away to look at him.

He stared at me again. I stared back. We stood there for another minute, too close for my liking, staring.

He gave me this disgusted look, like I'm the weirdo here. It offended me.

I leaned in to his ear again to continue.

"I don't like you." I said and my lips brushed against his ear. It was an accident, I swear.

"I don't like you either." He replied in amusement.

"Good." I said, more to myself. But if I meant it was a whole different thing.

I took a step back to look at the boy in front of me. He was wearing black leather pants and a plain black shirt.

I rolled my eyes at him and walked out of his dorm. I didn't need more time in the same room as Brendon, the most annoying guy on earth. Now I was on my way to my dorm. Hopefully Spencer was at his friend's dorm so I'd be alone. Dragged Patrick out of his bed. Probably the most succesful thing I've done this whole week.

I wonder how he ended up here, in the most pathetic school ever.

But who cares? Not me at least.

As I reached my dorm I opened the door and sighed in relief as I was finally alone. I grabbed a pair of new boxers from my drawer and went to the bathroom and got undressed, then turned the water on and made sure it was the right temperature. I didn't like it too cold nor too hot.

I let the liquid run down my body. It's not that I was dirty or sweaty, I just felt weird and hoped a good shower would help.

Plus, I needed to wash this day away. I'd already been socializing with people more than I usually do and I didn't like the feeling of it.

I was considering not going to the cafeteria tonight and just ask if Spencer or Patrick can grab an apple for me and "smuggle" it to our dorm for me to eat. I definetely didn't need to see more people other than my roommates today. I just don't like people. That's all.

I mean sure, I knew some people here. Gerard, Pete, Spencer, Patrick, Alex, Frank, Kellin, Vic, Jon and Mikey. Brendon too now, apparently. But I'd only consider Gerard, Pete, Spencer, Patrick and Frank my friends. The others were just familiars. And Brendon's just an annoying forehead.

As I finished showering I got out and grabbed a towel. I put on the new pair of boxers and the same clothes as I wore earlier. I looked in the mirror above the sink.

Who am I?

I'm just some weird guy who hates people and simply doesn't care.


"Ryan, we're playing truth or dare. Join us." Patrick shouted from the door. I was on the bathroom floor, thinking. Enough thinking though.

"Fine. But don't expect me to be this social any other time." I exhaled loudly and got up and out to Patrick. Together we went back. When we entered the room we saw everyone sitting in a circle on the floor. I sat on Gerard's bed instead, the loner I am.

"Patrick, truth or dare?" Pete asked. Of course he chose Patrick. I'll bet my life on that Pete's got a crush on him. Okay, maybe not my life. But you get my point.


God, it felt like I was twelve years old all over again.

"When did you have your first kiss?"

Lame. Boring.

"I-I haven't had my first k-kiss y-yet" Patrick stuttered.


Pete's face flashed with happiness for a bare second before nodding.

"Truth or dare Gerard?" Patrick asked.


"I dare you to sing something to all of us. Make up some lyrics now. It doesn't have to be much." Patrick shrugged.

"Uh, okay. Gra-" Gerard started but stopped himself. He inhaled deeply before continuing, "Gravity, don't mean too much to me, I'm who I've got to be, these pigs are after me"

Everyone listened and when he finished they clapped their hands. It wasn't much but his voice was great.

"Ryan, truth or dare?" Gerard asked me.

Me? I was surprised someone even knew I was here.

"Dare." I said, not really up to answering some dull question.

"I dare you spend 7 minutes with Brendon in the bathroom. You know, like 7 minutes in heaven but instead of doing stuff we don't wanna know about you talk. And it's in a bathroom." Gerard chuckled.

"But why?" I sighed.

"Because you need to get along better. Sorry. We'll continue without you." He said.


He probably just wanted to get rid of me.

Me and Brendon closed the door to the bathroom and I sat in the shower, resting my back on the wall and my legs on the floor. No water was running so it was fine. Brendon sat underneath the sink.

"Your friends seem nice." Brendon chirped.

"Sometimes." I replied shortly.

Then he started humming some song and tapped his finger on his leg. It ruined my sit-in-silence moment.

"Could you stop it?" I said, not caring whether I sounded rude or not. He stopped without saying anything.

There was a moment of a thoughtful silence.

"I like dogs." He said out of nowhere in a happy tone.

"Uhm, okay?" I mumbled. I was so bored. I just wanted to get out of here. But his happy energy was apparently contagious because I was starting to feel okay. Like, okay okay.

I had never met someone like Brendon before. Everyone were the same,

And then there was Brendon.

"Tell me about yourself." He smiled.


*sigh* I'm not happy about this story *sighs again*

*sighs agaaainnn*

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