Chapter 22

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Brendon's POV
I woke up by the sunlight shining right at me and not Pete this time. That's when I remembered that it's Saturday which means no school. I sighed in relief. I turned to face the wall to block the sunlight but then I heard someone grumping on my chest. I looked down and saw the prettiest boy half next to me and half on me. He was cuddling with my hand. In his sleep.

Suddenly he's that fragile and vulnerable boy again.

My heart melted at the sight and I decided to sacrifice myself and let my eyes be bothered my the light, just to not wake Ryan up.

"Did you sleep well?" Spencer asked. Apparently he was sitting on the floor with his phone protectively in his hands.

I scanned the room quickly to see if anyone else but me and Spencer were awake, in case he wasn't talking to me. But both Patrick and Pete were snoring and Ryan's eyes were shut. So I hummed.

"You know, I've never seen Ryan as happy as he's been since you arrived here." Spencer gave me a soft smile.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah. Before you got here he'd isolate himself constantly and only hang out with the rest of us if we forced him to." He chuckled sadly,
"He clearly hated everyone and everything, including himself. But when he met you he's been so..."

"Sweet?" I finished his sentance.

"Yeah, and he's been so energetic and full of life. He's still the same Ryan of course, but sweeter and happier. Like the way he was before his m-mother passed away." Spencer almost whispered the last part.

"I'm so sorry." I gasped. I had no idea his mother died. That explains his behavior though. Spencer returned to watch his phone and fiddle with his fingers.

I let his confession sink in. Did I actually do that to Ryan? What if it all was a big joke? But he seemed so serious. I smiled to myself. Making Ryan happy is the best thing I've ever done.

Suddenly there was a rough knock on the door. Ryan's eyes shot open like his life was in danger. He calmed down once he saw me, but I could still feel his fast pulse. We all exchanged worried looks, except for Patrick and Pete who still were asleep.

Then they knocked again, even harder this time.

"Me and Pete have to hide!" I whisper-shouted in frustration. Spencer nodded and hurriedly got up and pulled Patrick's cover over Pete and I hid under Ryan's cover. I felt a body weight lay on top of my body, but not my head. At least I could breathe.

I heard quick footsteps walking towards the door. It swung open.

"Cafeteria. Now!" The principal said angrily. They were always mad.

"Y-yes sir." Spencer said in terror. Ryan told me once that Spencer was scared as hell of mr. Dawson. Makes sense though. I pretty much am too.

Silence filled the room until Ryan broke it with a hum.

Then the door closed and Spencer exhaled loudly while Ryan removed the soft fabric from my face and poked my nose. His randomness and touch made me giggle. At least the sound of the door closing woke Patrick up because he groaned in discomfort which woke Pete up. He seemed to be terrified because you could see his fists and feet punching the fabric, like he was freaking out. I would freak out too if I woke up underneath someone's cover.

"Pete, what are doing man?" I laughed.

"What the fuck?!" He whined.

"We saved your ass. Don't be such an ungrateful motherfucker." Ryan grinned and raised his eyebrows at Pete once he found his way out.

"What do you mean?" He asked unknowingly.

"The principal came here to tell us to go to the cafeteria. All of us." Ryan explained.
"Probably some gathering." Spencer added concerned before Pete could ask why.

"Shit, does he know?!" Ryan sat up in realisation with wide eyes. His quick moves made the pillow bounce.

"Know what?" I asked.

"Brendon, do you even know how many rules we've broken? How many rules all of our friends have broken?" Ryan inhaled deeply. That's when it hit me. We could all be expelled. And we would gather in the cafeteria because the principal's office is too small for all of us.

"Fuck." I whispered.

"Fuck." Pete said and put his hands on his face in frustration.

"Fuck." Spencer repeated.

"We have to go." Ryan said quietly, rather wanting to stay here. No one said another word. We changed clothes and that's all we did and before we knew it we were on our way to the cafeteria. Gerard, Frank, Jon and Alex joined us. Perhaps this was about the party. Once again, none of us said anything, we only exchanged worried looks.

My heart slowed down once I saw how many people were in the cafeteria. They were all standing in lines and the principal was in the front of the room with a microphone in his hand. At least it wasn't about us only.

Oh fuck.

That's when I saw the trashed room. I met Ryan's gaze and he tried his best to hold in a laughter. I snorted quietly. I had completely forgotten about yesterday's event. The entire room was all messed up. Pete looked at us in confusion.

"You're late." Mr. Dawson said unpleasantly.

"Sorry." Patrick mumbled. We stood behind all the other students, all ears for what he had to say.

"As you can see the cafeteria has been trashed," he started. I gulped. If he finds out this was us we're fucked. I met Ryan's gaze, he shook his head as a 'don't tell him' and I did the same.
"Those who did this, step forward and confess and you won't be punished." He finished. Ryan didn't move, neither did I. We were frozen.

What if someone saw us?

"If you stay silent you will be punished once we find out who it was." The principal said in boredom, trying to sound dangerous.

"He's lying! You'll still be punished if you speak up!" An unknown voice shouted from the crowd. It got everyone to mumble. Dawson shot a glare at the brown haired boy and told miss Jackson, who was in the corner of the room, to make sure the boy got detention for the entire res of the week. It shut everyone up.

And that was it.

If you even said a word about it you'd get punished.

"Very well, go back to your dorms then. We will find you." The principal said after a moment of silence. The crowd left the room hurriedly.

"He won't." Ryan said quietly in a confident voice. I rolled my eyes at the taller boy. He couldn't be so sure about that. We could only hope.



I hope the accusations about Kenny are false and that he'll stay in the band :(

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