Chapter 7

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Ryan's POV
I was gonna do it. I was gonna sneak out of my dorm after bedtime and go to Brendon's room. I wasn't gonna let him get his revenge. I was gonna continue to win. I want to annoy him like he annoys me.

And truth is, as hard as it was to admit it to myself, I guess I just want to see him again.

I just have to make sure that no teacher is in the hallway to check if students are up sneaking around.


It was now 11:20pm. I was still wearing the same outfit as before, including that ugly striped shirt. At least it's comfortable. That's why I keep wearing it.

I never managed to fall asleep before 2am. That's probably why my grades are so bad. But in cases like this it was a pro since I could stay up late without being tired and then sneak around. I liked the excitement it gave me.

Both Patrick and Spencer snored lightly as I got out of bed and quietly pushed down the handle. I slightly opened the door to see if anyone was out in the hallway. I heard footsteps walking towards me. I quickly closed the door and felt my heart beating faster and faster. Adrenaline was filling my body and I hurried to get back into bed. I crawled under the covers, trying to hide the fact that I didn't wear pajamas. I was so scared someone would open the door to my room. I held my breath.

And my fear happened. It was so creepy. Someone opened the door, and that 'someone' is probably miss Jackson, my english teacher. She likes to be in control and make sure everyone follow the rules. She peeked inside but then closed the door. I let out a quiet sigh out of relief.

I was still gonna do it. This is what makes it fun, the possibility of getting caught. I mean, it doesn't kill you if you do get caught. You just get detention. Trust me, I know that by own experience.

I got out of bed again and tiptoed over to the door. I bent down so that my ear would be in the same height as the keyhole. I listened. The sound of the footsteps were fading which means miss Jackson was probably on her way to the opposite side of the hallway. I wonder if she patrulls the hallways all night. It'd seriously damage her brain. Maybe that's why she's so obsessed over the rules.

I quickly got out of my dorm and took a deep breath and I walked over to Brendon's dorm. It was only a few metres away. 4 dorms away. I opened the door and quickly got inside before miss Jackson saw me. I felt my heart slowing down. I walked over to Brendon's bed.

This was gonna be fun.

If I'm honest he looked kinda beautiful asleep. Peaceful. Messy hair. Parted lips.

I sat on top of his stomach and smirked. He was gonna freak out when he woke up. I leaned in closer to his ear until my lips were rubbing it.

"Hey there." I whispered.

His eyes shot open and widened as he felt the extra weight on his stomach and saw me. He tensed and his muscles got in use as he tried to sit up. Damn that's some abs.

"What are you doing?" Brendon asked in terror, the way I did when Pete was freaking me out this afternoon.

"Making sure you won't get your revenge." I grinned.

"Oh yeah? Are you even allowed to be here?" He asked curiously and layed back down again, not even trying to get me off of him which made my stomach flutter in this weird way. Why do I keep getting that strange feeling around the forehead?

"No." I replied simply.

"Make sure to be quiet then." Brendon smirked. The moonlight was enough light for me to see his exact expressions.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"I'm gonna fight you and win." He replied noncholantly.

"Right. It's gonna be me winning." I corrected him.

"Let's see about that, shall we?" He said cockily. I raised my eyebrows and still held him down, hands on each side of his shoulders.

He grabbed my wrists and pulled me up into the air, which made me fall to the floor from the bed. I wanted to groan in pain but thought it'd be better if I stayed quiet. The noise from me falling must've waken Pete and Gerard up already anyway though.

Before I could stand up I felt something heavy falling on top of me. This time Brendon was on top of me, his hands on each side of my shoulders. His legs were intertwined with mine and his chest pressed against mine. That's when I realised he wasn't even wearing a pajamas, only boxers. I suppose that's how most people sleep here since it's hot as hell, I mean, it's summer! It was still too much contact for my taste. But that moment I didn't mind, I had sorta fun. The fear of getting caught mixed with fighting someone in a teasingly way got me excited.

I tried to push Brendon off of me but instead I somehow rolled on top of him, thank god. I was gonna win this. He pressed his hands against my chest but this time I was stronger although he clearly had more muscles. I pinned him down by his shoulders as usual but decided to do it by his wrists instead. I grabbed his wrists to pull them down to the floor, but he grabbed my shirt desperatedly to fight back.

My shirt ended up getting ripped off which made me blush. I swear I haven't blushed in ages. I didn't mind about the shirt though, I didn't like it very much anyway. I saw that smirk playing on forehead's lips as he scanned my body. It made me kind of uncomfortable, but at least I got his wrists now. I pinned him down and I felt his pulse underneath my fingers. It was fast.

He lifted his head to roughly brush his lips against my cheek. It sent shivers down my spine. Hey, that was my thing though. He keeps repeating me. I smirked at the idea I had. I licked his cheek to disgust him and show him who the boss was.

"Nice try. But I'm the boss here." He said full of pride and before I knew it something soft and wet licked my cheek down to my neck. I seriously thought it'd disgust him but I guess not.

"I'm still the one on top of you though." I pouted playfully.

"Not for long," he said quietly and pushed his whole body up against mine for a second. The sudden weight caused me to fall back on the floor. "See?" He continued. I rolled my eyes which caused him to laugh quietly.

That's when I took my chance and kicked his knee using my knee. Like I thought he quickly put one of his hands on his knee to cover it and whine in pain. I quickly pulled him off of me and stood up, grabbing his upper arms to pull him up with me. He may have bigger muscles, but at least I'm taller. I smirked.

"I'm taller than you." I teased and wrapped my arms around his waist to pull him closer to me.

"I'm shorter than you." Brendon chuckled. I hummed. "But I have more muscles." He added and I hummed again.

"What does that prove then?" I asked in a deep voice.

"I can do this." He said and grabbed my waist and he lifted me and pushed me against the wall. We must've woken up at least everyone around our dorm. Hopefully miss Jackson isn't there.

I don't want whatever we're doing to stop, or change.


Like this isn't my thing to write but it was sorta fun. This is more of a way to show that even though Brendon and Ryan won't mentally accept the fact that they're most likely really into each other even if they just met, their actions clearly show it. I mean, come on, would you fight your enemy like this?

Not sure if I like this chapter tho. Tell me what you think.

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