Chapter 34

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Brendon's POV
I was having P.E right now together with Ryan, Pete and some other jerks I don't know. I found this class quite amusing. It was exhausting but it was fun too. This time we had tennis outside on a small platform, about 20 metres wide and 40 long. The four sides were surrounded by soon orange covered trees.

Everyone wore the same clothes. Boring white shorts and a boring white tee covered in blue and grey details.

Ryan and I were going to wear our own clothes but we'd already gotten too many warnings lately to continue with the whole rebellious clothing thing, unless we wanted to get ourselves expelled. Honestly, if I didn't have Ryan I'd do everything I could to get my ass out of here.

But now I do have Ryan. So I'll rather avoid doing obvious stuff that'll get me expelled.

"Urie!" Someone shouted my name and the idiot I was didn't even react. But what did make me react was when a second later an object hit my eyebrow really bad. I fell to the ground along with the tennis ball which I figured out was what hit me.

"Brendon!" Ryan said and I saw his silhoutte running towards me. My vision was really blurry, but at least I didn't pass out. I groaned in pain as Ryan sat next to me and lightly touched my eyebrow.

The game stopped. Everyone stared. It made me slightly uncomfortable.

"You okay?" He whispered.

"Yeah." I squeaked out.

"Are you okay?" Our P.E teacher repeated concerned, on his way to us, and I nodded even though my eye was pounding in pain. It'd probably leave a bruise.

Our teacher grabbed my arms and tried to help me stand up but I felt really dizzy. It didn't even hit me that hard!

"Okay, you have to go rest." He stated once he saw how physically unstable I was.
"Everyone, continue!" He then shouted and the game continued.

I finally gathered myself and made my way over to the bleachers. I raised my hand to touch my eyebrow. At least it wasn't bleeding. The bench on the bleacher was cold and there was just one more person on it. He wore his school uniform. I'd never seen him before. He had brown hair and I couldn't make up the colour of his eyes because of the distance. He looked to be even taller than Ryan though. To be honest he looked kinda good.

I watched Ryan on the field. He liked P.E too, but didn't seem to enjoy tennis all too much. He rolled his eyes at everyone and tried to stay away from the tennisball as much as possible which made me chuckle. I studied his face. My boyfriend's brown eyes were almost completely closed because of the sun shining down on him. His eyebrows were furrowed and occasionally he'd grin, his teeth showing. He was probably enjoying himself, watching everyone failing. That self absorbed bastard.

Something else caught my attention though, when the guy in the corner of the bleacher shouted Ryan's name. Obviously it caught Ryan's attention too. We both stared at him in confusion, wondering what he wanted. I assumed Ryan didn't know him either.

"Come here!" The guy said and stood up steadily, making his way down the stairs to the grass. I now saw that he had blue eyes. My eyes followed him, occasionally switching to Ryan's moves.

"What?" Ryan sighed in annoyance, glancing at me. My head rested in my hands as I looked at the game in front of me but focused on listening to their conversation not far away. Excuse me for being curious.

"I would like to talk to you... in private." The guy tapped his leg. I removed my elbows from my knees and turned my head to them suspiciously.

"I don't even know you. So no." Ryan rolled his eyes and was just about to go back to the game when the guy suddenly grabbed his wrist.

"My name's Dallon." The guy, who apparently was called Dallon, mumbled and pulled Ryan closer.

"Good for you. Still don't know you." Ryan said uncomfortably and tried to yank his arm away. "Don't touch me." Ryan growled after a few seconds of trying to break free but not succeeding while Dallon stared at my boyfriend hungrily. I had to do something. But the man was huge. I still had to do something. I quickly stood up and gave Ryan a reassuring look but he didn't see it.

"I'll let you go if you come with me." Dallon licked his lips.

"Fine." Ryan said unpleasant and Dallon let him go. I had just reached the stairs when they walked away around the corner. What was Dallon gonna do to him? I had to follow them. My baby wasn't comfortable around that blue eyed guy.

When I finally reached the ground I saw them heading towards the forest. They were almost there. I almost tiptoed after them, not wanting to be noticed and called a 'stalker'. I'm surprised our teacher didn't notice three people leaving. I'm not complaining though.

I hid behind a tree about 2 metres away from them. The forest was covered in moss and shrubs. Not to mention all the trees.

"So, what the fuck is more important than P.E?" I heard Ryan say. Well, most things are.

"I've been watching you for awhile." Dallon murmured and I heard a stick break. I peeked and saw how close Dallon was to Ryan. Rage and jealousy grew inside of me. Ryan wasn't gonna do anything, right? No, he just stood there as Dallon put his hands on his lower back. But what if not doing anything is doing something? Fucking hell. This is confusing.

"Creepy." Ryan scoffed, trying to push the guy in front of him away. Good boy.

"I think you're very, very beautiful." Dallon smirked and grabbed my boyfriend's wrists again. He put Ryan's hands on his hips, now having his hands on top of Ryan's. I'm not sure if he did that to make sure they'd stay put there or if he just wanted to hold hands with Ryan. Either way I knew I had to do something soon. Like, really soon.

"Okay, get the fuck off me." Ryan hissed as Dallon attacked his neck with his lips and pulled Ryan closer. That almost made me want to kill him.

I can't believe this is the second time someone tries to make a move on Ryan without his permission in less than a week.

And I'm gonna save him. Again.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I yelled angrily, stepping forward as a wave of confidence hit me.

"Oh hi there." Dallon smirked and bit Ryan's lower lip. Ryan scrunched his nose and tried to get out of his grip once again. My poor boyfriend barely has any muscles though.

"Get the fuck off my boyfriend!" I blurt, as I hurried over to rescue the boy I love.

"Oh, so he's your boyfriend? Would you mind if I borrow him for awhile?" Dallon laughed.

"Yes, I would mind!" I raged and grabbed Dallon's hands, trying to pull them away from Ryan. Eventually I managed to create a gap between them. Ryan sighed in relief and stepped behind me, giving me a light smile.

"Come on, I have needs!" Dallon groaned and made jazz hands.

"Well, use your needs on someone who's single you disgusting fucker." I spit.

"What did you just call me?" He growled.

"Disgusting fucker." I repeated, louder this time. I felt Ryan's hand on my shoulder and a quiet "shh"

But it was too late. Dallon's fist had already collided with my jaw. I fell to the ground again, this time bleeding and I immediately felt it. The thick liquid dripped on my shirt. It stung, just like my now scraped hands. I glared at the tallest guy here and threw a punch at his crotch. He whined in pain to my relief. I took this as my chance to get out of here. I quickly stood up and swung an arm around a worried looking Ryan as someone grabbed my neck tightly and made me gasp for air.


Some action's needed, don't you think?

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