Chapter 2

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Ryan's POV
I was playing on my phone when I heard voices outside Pete's and Gerard's dorm. It was Pete and a voice I had never heard before. This didn't feel good. I don't wanna meet new people.

I quickly put my phone away and layed down on top of the covers on the bunk bed. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep in case Pete and that other person would come in. I didn't wanna talk to anyone right now.

I felt how Gerard and Frank swifted underneath me. They were probably cuddling as usual and reading that book together. It was their thing. I had no opinion about it.

I heard someone press down the door handle and gently pushed it open.

"Welcome to your room for the rest of your time here." Pete said surprisingly happily. I resisted the urge to fake snor just to reassure them I actually was asleep. On second thought it might would've been too much, I never snor when I sleep for real. What I know of.

"Hey." The same deep voice said after a moment of silence. He sounded nervous but excited.

"Hey, you must be Brandon!" Frank burst.

"Seriously?" Pete mumbled to himself and laughed.

"What?" Frank furrowed his eyebrows.

"It's Brendon." The new guy, who apparently was called Brendon and not Brandon, laughed.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry! I'm Frank." Frank apologized and you could literally hear how pathetic he felt in his voice.

"I'm Gerard. Nice to have some new blood in here." Gerard chimed in. I mentally facepalmed. How does he always manage to sound and look like a vampire?
"Oh, and, the guy above us is Ryan." He exclaimed. I mentally facepalmed again. I didn't want anyone to mention me, notice me.

"Cool, is he asleep? Or?" Brendon asked curiously.

"No one knows what he's up to. Either he's passed out, is fake sleeping or believe it or not, actually is asleep." Pete chuckled. I blushed when he said that I may be pretending to sleep. I didn't wanna get caught. It'd be so embarrassing.

"Anyways, like I said before, you'll share this dorm with me and Gerard. Frank's sharing room with Alex Gaskarth and Kellin Quinn. Their dorm number is 41. Frank comes here to hang out with Gerard because they're a thing and Ryan comes here uninvited because... uh..." Pete added and almost burst into laughter.

"No one knows." He said when he finished laughing. At least I thought he did. Before I knew it, he started laughing again. I sighed as quietly as I could.

"I'm just kidding. Ryan comes around because he's our best friend. His dorm number is 40. Ryan shares room with Spencer Smith and, uh, Patrick Stump." Pete grinned and it sounded like he bit his lip at the last part because his words were pretty messy.

Pete's never admitted it and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who thinks so, but, I think Pete's got a crush on Patrick.

Like, like, like
Love, love, love
It fucks everything up

"Well that's a lot of information to take in. Thanks though!" Brendon chuckled happily.

"My bed is the one on the first floor and Pete's the one above us, where Ryan is. So you have a whole bunk bed to yourself, Brendon! Enjoy." Gerard said sarcastically.

"Thanks." He mumbled with a grin on his face. I heard a thud about a metre away from me and opened my eyes by reflex. Fuck.

"Ryan! You're 'finally' up!" Pete teased with a smirk plastered on his lips. He probably knew I was acting all along. My eyes widened as I saw him standing on the ladder right next to me. How did I not hear him?! This scared the hell out of me. How would you feel if when you open your eyes some dude's face is staring at you only a couple of centimetres away.

"What the actual fuck?!" I yelled out of terror and put my hands up in the air. Pete completely ignored my discomfort and jumped down onto the floor and sat down next to Gerard.

"Hey Ryan." That deep voice smiled. When he said my name it felt weird.

I already dislike him so I decided to ignore his words.

I let my eyes land on him for the first time and I immediately regret it. His eyes met mine and I didn't like it because that weird feeling came back. Probably hatred.

His smile was still on his face and I swear he had the most plump lips I'd ever seen. But also the biggest forehead ever. That guy probably won an award for the biggest forehead in his younger years. He had brown eyes and they were glimmering like stars on a clear night sk-

Yeah, you get what I mean. They looked good. Kinda. Yes. Whatever.

"How are you?" The forehead guy asked politely. I looked away and at the ceiling and ignored him once again. I don't need more people in my life. In the corner of my eye I saw his smile fade and was replaced with an obvious fake one. I should know. For a second I felt guilty but brushed it off.

"Ryan's on his period. That's why he's acting like this." Pete explained. I sighed. Gerard and Frank snorted.

"It's cool. I'm just gonna unpack my stuff. Is anyone using this drawer?" The forehead guy asked and pointed to the drawer by his bed. Everyone shook their head, except for me of course. But this wasn't my room so he probably figured out I didn't use it.

Brendon seemed so happy and full of energy but at the same time not.


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