Chapter 19

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Ryan's POV
Brendon was doing my makeup. I stood up, my back pressing against the sink. Brendon's makeup was on the counter. He stood really close to me and I actually enjoyed it. He put on a lot of eyeliner and when he finished I poked his nose and giggled.

"Are you done?" I asked. He shook his head and poked my nose in return with a grin on his face. He put on some, or, a shit ton of eyeshadow around my eyes and it tickled. After awhile he was finally done. I looked in the mirror behind me.

"I'm a pretty boy!" I gasped happily.

"Yes you're a very pretty boy." Brendon agreed. I grinned at my reflection.

"Wait I wanna put on some details." I pouted and grabbed his eyeliner. When I was almost finished he took another photo of me. Damnit. But at least I looked good. He sent me the photo.


"Now let me do your makeup

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"Now let me do your makeup." I said pleased. He nodded and we switched places. Now he was the one pressed against the sink. The bathroom was really tiny. I put on some eyeliner around his beautiful eyes and decided to do something cool with his eyeshadow. I 'painted' a mark around one of his eyes. It took awhile.

"I'm also a pretty boy!" Brendon squeaked and clapped his hands as he jumped up and down.

"I'm gonna take a photo of you. Look serious." I ordered. He did as I wished and I took a photo.


"You're beautiful

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"You're beautiful." I said as we got out of the bathroom and the the loud music hit us like a wave. We left Brendon's makeup in there.

I was surprised no teacher had come to complain. After all it was Saturday tomorrow, maybe they were just nice.

"Now, dance with me! We barely got to do it last night." I said stubbornly. Before I knew it Brendon grabbed my hands and we spun around together, almost tripping every two seconds.

"Woohooo!" Brendon howled.

When we stopped I scanned the room to see what everyone else were doing. I wasn't shocked when I saw Frank on top of Gerard on his bed, making out. Alex sat on top of Brendon's drawer again, tapping his leg to the rhythm while drinking a bottle of whiskey all by himself. The rest were dancing. Well, Spencer was eating a slice of pizza while moving to the music. Goofball, always hungry.

"Let's trash the school." Brendon bit his bottom lip, trying to hold in a laughter. Everything is so funny.

"Yessss, let's start with the cafeteria." I giggled.

"Bye people, we're gonna have some fun." Brendon shouted to everyone.

"I knew it!" Spencer said after hurrying to swallow the pizza in his mouth. Pete winked at us while Alex smirked.

"Why are everyone acting so weird?" I mumbled and grabbed Brendon's hand as we got to the hallway. He just shrugged. It was a mystery.

The consequences to our actions didn't cross our minds even once. We just saw it as something fun to do.

Right now there was no worst thing that could happen

When we entered the cafeteria we made sure it was completely empty. It was. Luckily the chef to our school hadn't thrown the food away, and had left it where we last saw it.

"Are you thinking about the same thing as I am?" Brendon smirked devioushly and glanced at the food and then me.

"If you're thinking about throwing food all over the place, then yes." I nodded.

Brendon grabbed the meatballs with his bare hands while I grabbed the ketchup bottle. He threw them all over the place while I ran around and covered everything in ketchup. I had really fun. When the bottle got empty I threw it onto the floor and grabbed some boiled eggs. It'd been a lot funnier if they weren't boiled, but this will do.

I threw the eggs on most seats and when Brendon finished with the meatballs he smashed the eggs for me. It wasn't like liquid, but it was like goo which was gross enough.

Brendon decided to kick the chairs that weren't covered in eggs onto the floor, which he should've reconsidered.

"Fuck! My foot." He whined.

"How much does it hurt on a scale from 1 to 10?" I asked concerned.

"10!" He laughed. I have no idea why that was funny but it made me laugh as well.

"Let's get you to the nurse. If she asks what happened we'll just tell her you uh.." I tried to figure something out.

"Fell from the window!" Brendon said, proud of his big imagination.

"Good idea!" I agreed. At the time it seemed like a good one. But maybe it wasn't.

"Ow!" Brendon whisper-shouted as he tried to walk.

"Here, I'll be your horse." I offered and bent down, allowing him to wrap his legs around my waist. He did as I told him to and rested his front against my back, like he did this morning. I held onto his thighs so that he wouldn't fall, even if his grip around my waist was tight and steady.

I admit he was kinda heavy, but I don't have any muscles after all. Okay, I do. Just not that big. The nurse's office was upstairs which, in my opinion, is pretty stupid. What if someone breaks their leg and they're supposed to go upstairs!? I shook my head disapprovingly at the thought.

"You okay?" I asked. Brendon just hummed in the way I usually do. I hummed back. He hummed back. It started to sound like a song.

"You know what? It doesn't hurt anymore. Let's go back to your dorm." Brendon said noncholantly as I was just about to knock on the nurse's door.


"Yes. Take me home, horse!" He laughed.

"I guess it was my idea so I can't complain. But I'm gonna do it anyway. Don't call me horse!" I said.

"Okay, horse." Brendon whispered in my ear.

"Are you my knight then?"

"Yeah, I've always wanted to be a knight." Brendon smiled.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief.


"What about this, are you my forehead then?" I laughed.

"No, your forehead's right there." He said like he was stupid and patted my forehead.

"You have like seven foreheads."

"You have like seven legs."

"No, I have four. I'm a horse." I furrowed my eyebrows in fake confusion.

"Right." He laughed lightly.


I'm craving orange juice, just as much as I craved pizza last night. Like, I get why I'd want pizza so bad. But orange juice??? Smh.

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