Chapter 14

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Brendon's POV
I was actually really happy. Me and Ryan were just talking about random stuff as we were on our way into town. We only had about 1000 metres left. We walked on the main road, fields on each side, miles big.

"And that's why I never go to Walmart." Ryan chuckled. He'd just told me this crazy story about how he totally made a fool out of himself at a Walmart and he was paranoid the employees there had told all the owners of Walmart's about it.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and opened I and Ryan's chat.

Brendon: So what are you up to?

Ryan's phone buzzed immediately and he checked what it was.

"Dude, seriously? I'm right here." He laughed but still typed something.

Ryan: Oh you know, the usual. Reading a book.

"Like you'd ever read a book." I said and looked at the boy on the opposite side of the road. Luckily no cars were passing us. It was pretty empty here.

"Actually, yeah. I do read. I just haven't 'had time' to read lately..." He shrugged.

"Huh. I could never have figured." I said surprised.

We then continued to walk in silence. It wasn't a tense or awkward silence, it was a comfortable one. Well, it was silent until Ryan decided to speak up.

"You know, we're gonna get in a lot of trouble." He sighed and watched the lights in the distance. We were closing up to the town.

"Yeah. When we get back we'll probably get detention for skipping. But they won't find out about us sneaking out though, right?" I gulped. If they found out that'd get us in much more trouble.

"True. Yeah, yeah, I don't think they'll find out." Ryan said nervously. I wasn't sure whether he was trying to convince me or himself. Possibly both.

"And even if they do it'll still be worth it." I mumbled to myself. I actually enjoyed Ryan's company. I know he probably doesn't like me but that doesn't mean we can't have fun. At least we're spending time together and that's enough for me.

"So what would you like to do?" Ryan asked curiously just as we arrived. There was a few stores and a couple of houses.

"Up to you. You know this place better than me." I explained.

"Wanna go to a bar? They're open 24/7 here." Ryan suggested. I ignored the fact that we were still minors. Why care when we could have some fun?

"Sure. I'll follow you." I said excitedly.

We got to a rough building and got inside. There was a few drunk people by the bar and the whole place smelled like alcohol. It was dark, but it was still light enough for us to see. Quiet music was playing in the background.

"You order the drinks. You look older than me." Ryan admitted. He stayed by the door as I walked over to the bartender and ordered two beers. I guess he didn't care about my age. He seemed pretty chill. I waved to Ryan, gesturing for him to come over. He did as I wanted and sat down next to me on a stool.

"Here you go. On the house." The bartender sighed and handed us one beer each.

"Thanks." I smiled and sipped my drink.

"This is so good. I haven't had alcohol for a really long time." Ryan groaned pleased and closed his eyes.

"We should definetely buy some bottles of whiskey and play 'never have I ever' with the others." I beamed.

"Good idea. And vodka. Have you got any money then?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah. I wasn't allowed to bring any but I snuck some into my phone case. You never know what's gonna happen next." I filled him in.

"Cool." He nodded.

"Hey, could we buy some bottles of whiskey and vodka?" I motioned to the bartender to come closer so I didn't have to shout.

"Uh yeah, how many?" He asked. I looked at Ryan and he held up his hand, showing a number five. Holy shit. Is he trying to poison someone? But I get it. If all of us are gonna share it we might as well get enough.

"Five. Three whiskeys and two vodkas." I chuckled.

"That'll be 64,98 dollars." The bartender said in disbelief and gave us a suspicious look. I handed him 65 dollars and did something I always wanted to do,

"Keep the change." I smirked.

Oh my god. I've waited so long to do that. I squealed happily as we got our bottles. We'd have to carry them.

"We probably look like alcoholics." Ryan snorted. He'd already finished his beer. I'd only got halfway through mine. "Could we get two more beers?" Ryan asked and before we knew it two more beers were in front of us. I suppose they were free as well.

When I finished my drink Ryan had already finished two of them. As I was going to grab my second beer Ryan grabbed it before me and quickly directed it towards his mouth. He drank it all in a matter of seconds.

Dauym boy.

"Careful there." I patted his shoulder when he coughed.

"I want more" Ryan slurred loudly. Was he already drunk? Seems like the beers are really strong.

When I looked at the bar in front of me instead of looking at Ryan six, yes, six beers were placed.

"We didn't order more." I said in confusion but the bartender just shrugged.

I drank three more glasses and Ryan did the same. Everything seemed to become blurry. My vision, my words, my mind. It was all so messy. I couldn't focus at all and I felt slightly dizzy as my head was pounding.

"Dance with meee" Ryan laughed as he was on his way to the speaker. He turned up the music until it hurt. The music sucked. It was some pop song. At least it was really energetic which got me in the mood for dancing. I stood up and was on my way to Ryan when I almost tripped on my own feet. It was difficult to walk, especially when the whole room was spinning.

"Wow wow wow." I mumbled.

"Ohh you're gonna dance with me." Ryan smiled widely and spun around.

"Cutie" I slurred and grabbed his waist tightly. He messily wrapped his long arms around my neck and we swung awkwardly to the music.

"I'm having so much fun!" Ryan laughed and pulled away. I'm not sure if he was serious or not, but judging by the way he started running all around the place he was probably serious.

"Catch me asshole!" He stuck his pink tongue out.

"Oh I will" I smirked and started running after him.


Will drunk Ryan show his true feelings for Brendon?

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