Chapter 8

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Brendon's POV
As I pushed Ryan against the wall it made a loud noise, but did that matter right now? Not really. I was gonna win this. How? I don't know.

"Impressive mr. forehead." Ryan teased.

"Why thank you mr. tall-legs." I smirked. Did he seriously just call me mr. forehead? Forehead?! Oh my god. I snorted at the thought of him referring me as 'the forehead'. I shouldn't say anything though, I've been calling him 'tall legs'. It's not like it's any better.

"You have messy hair." He pointed out.

"So do you." I grinned. Wonder why. Not really. I already know.

I thought about the way Ryan had licked me earlier to make me disgusted and let him win. It was honestly disgusting, but I didn't mind. What could be worse than licking? Biting at a weird spot? I chuckled. Maybe.

I bit his chin as the grin on my face grew wider. This was ridiculous, but fun. I'm not sure why it's fun. It just is.

"Uh huh? That's all you got?" Ryan said amused before he bit my hair. Now that's disgusting. He laughed. I laughed. That was so weird. Biting someone's hair? Cool. Let's not talk about that.

My hair was so messy and sweaty, dirty too, since I hadn't showered in almost three days. Should I keep that a secret to myself? I think so, yeah.

He started walking forward, making me take several steps back. Then he let go of me as I let go of him, but of course he pushed me. At least he made sure I had something soft to land on. He pushed me down on the bed. I landed on my cover and pillows. Then Ryan grabbed the edge of my cover and pillows and pulled them away from me until he got it all in his hands. I was still laying there, wondering what was gonna happen next.

He threw the cover on top of me which covered basically my whole body and then he put the pillows on top of it. Everything was black now. I couldn't see anything. That's when I felt a body weight lay next to me, removing the cover a little bit so I could see. I saw Ryan next to me, smiling.

"I win. Goodnight, forehead." He smiled even wider now. Of course I wasn't able to say anything because of the cover covering my mouth. Maybe I was able to remove it myself, with my own hands, but I didn't. Ryan did it for me. Then he bit my cheek softly and walked out of the room.

I couldn't stop smiling. Whatever we were doing was the best thing I've done at this stupid place so far. Well, I don't have much to compare it to but whatever.

He just spontaniously walked in here and started this soft physical fight with teasing manners just because he wouldn't let me get my revenge. This was far better than revenge though. It felt good in a way to be that close to him. His skin touching mine.

That doesn't mean I like him though.

I soon drifted back to sleep.


Could someone stop this annoying noise? It's some alarm. Let me sleep. I groaned in discomfort and slowly opened my eyes. I didn't get much sleep last night apparently.



It was worth it.

The noise stopped, thank god. I closed my eyes once again.

"Goodmorning sleepyhead, did you have fun last night?" A smirking Pete said right in front of my face. I opened my eyes again and freaked out. So this is what Ryan felt yesterday when Pete did this to him.

"W-what do you mean?" I tried to sound chill. But what if he knew? Shit. He wasn't gonna tell anyone though, right? I mean, he's not telling anyone about Gerard and Frank so it should be fine. Ryan just broke a couple of rules. Maybe so did I. We weren't allowed to be up. Ryan wasn't allowed to walk over here.

"Oh don't pretend like nothing happened. I saw you and Ryan." Pete's expression softened.

"Y-you're not gonna t-tell anyone, r-right?" I stammered. I don't want it to be over already.

"Of course not. You have my word." Pete said reassuringly.

"But we didn't kiss or makeout or fuck. So it's not against the rules anyway, right? Except for the going to bed at 10:30pm and not visiting others after 9pm rules. We were just having fun." I chuckled. Not that I minded breaking the rules, but if it could get Ryan in trouble I didn't wanna risk it.

"Uhm..." Pete chuckled.

"Uh..." Gerard chuckled as well. Oh shit. I forgot about Gerard. "And before you say anything, I'm not telling anyone." Gerard said quickly once he saw the look on my face. It was like he read my mind.

"What?!" I said almost hysterically.

"I mean, even if you didn't fuck it looked pretty sexual to me." Pete tried to hold in another laughter. I can't believe he watched us. Creepy.

"N-no?" I stuttered. But then I thought about it. We were so close and even licked and bited each other. But that was like our thing. It wasn't meant to be sexual in any way. Awkward.

"Maybe you're right. But that wasn't our intentions." I admitted after a moment of silence.

"It's okay, don't worry about it. It'll stay between the four of us." Gerard smiled.

"Thank you." I sighed in relief.

"So do you like him?" Pete asked curiously.

"No, definetely not! We have this weird enemyship, if that's even a word. Probably not. We don't like each other but like teasing each other I guess. We annoy each other. I don't know, I've only known him for less than 24 hours." I laughed nervously.

Pete and Gerard smiled and exchanged looks. What? Do they know something I don't? Probably a lot, but about this?

"Anyways, we gotta get ready for class. We have to get dressed and go get breakfast. I can show you where your first period is if we're quick, then I'll see you in P.E and then back here." Pete rambled. I nodded in reply, so did Gerard. We walked over to our drawers and grabbed our uniforms.

I put on the black pants, the white button up and the black tie. They were all one size too big, but it was fine.

After Pete and Gerard had been to the bathroom I went in to do my hair. It was really messy.

"Everyone ready?" Pete asked both of us.

"Yeah." Gerard said as I nodded.

We opened the door and left our dorm one by one. I closed the door behind me and further down the hallway I saw a very familiar face. It was Ryan. He smirked at me which caused my cheeks to flush red.

Why did I blush? I wish I could slap myself right now. I have no reason to blush. Stupid me.


This was so difficult to write. Not sure why. I just didn't know what to write.

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