Chapter 25

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Ryan's POV
A silent knock on the door caught my attention immediately. I knew it was Brendon. I opened it happily, hoping I hadn't woken him up. I probably had, once I saw his half asleep eyes and hunched back. What surprised me the most was that he was shirtless. I knew that he slept without a shirt or pants but at least he had pants on. Tight jeans showing off his well formed body. His messy hair made him look really hot.

"Sorry." I said.

"For what?" He yawned.

"For waking you up."

"Anything for you." He grinned. Those words were like a warm hurricane and I was in the middle of it.

To be honest I didn't know why I asked him to come over, I just enjoyed his company. I closed the door and sat on my bed. He stepped closer to me which made me stand up by reflex. When someone approached me I'd always stand up if I was sitting down, unless I was in town of course. It'd be weird if I stood up everytime someone got close to me physically in a restaurant or something.

"Maybe you do have muscles." I said, scanning his body. He did have muscles, not too much and not too little. It was perfect. He was perfect.

"Told you." He whispered and looked straight into my eyes which caught my attention once again, so I stared back into his glimmering eyes. So beautiful.

I could feel his body heat, it made me crave more.

I was considering whether to kiss him or not. I felt a strong urge to kiss him. I leaned in to gently brush my lips against his soft lips and wait for his reaction. He wrapped his arms around my neck and collided our lips. They moved perfectly in sync. At first the kiss was gentle and soft but got rougher as Brendon desperatedly grabbed my hair and pulled it.

I started taking steps forward, wanting him to step back. He did so until we reached the wall, I pushed him against it and he wrapped his legs around my waist. I held onto his upper thigh to support him.

We pulled away to catch our breaths but before Brendon knew it I pressed his lips against mine again, but this time gently biting them. He pulled me even closer and tightened his grip around my waist as he arched his back. A quiet moan slipped through his lips which drove me insane.

Brendon pulled away from my biting-kiss and roughly sucked my neck, biting at times. It would no doubt leave a bruise. I couldn't help but moan loudly at the sudden contact.

I was sure someone heard. Someone would come.

"Bre- Brendon" I tried to say between kisses.

"Yeah?" He pulled away.

"I'm pretty sure a teacher heard us, like miss Jackso-" I started and then heard quick footsteps.

"You have to hide!" I freaked out and quickly got under my cover and motioned for Brendon to join me. He hid under my cover, being curled up and resting his head on my stomach. I pretended to sleep when the door was thrown open.

"What's going on in here?!" Miss Jackson said suspiciously and turned the lights on.

"W-what's going on?" I said in the most sleepy voice I could and barely opened my eyes.

"What happened?" Spencer yawned. Patrick just groaned.

I tried my best to hide Brendon under my cover.

Miss Jackson muttered something before turning the lights off and leaving before closing the door.

"You guys really need to be more quiet." Spencer chuckled. I blushed and pulled away my cover, motioning for Brendon to stop hiding.

"Use protection." Patrick mumbled before falling back to sleep. Now that made Brendon blush.

"We're not gonna have sex." Brendon said, almost so quiet he could barely hear it himself.

I smiled widely at the boy next to me. He had no idea how long I've wanted to do that. He smiled back at me, the pink shade on his face fading. He put his hand on my cheek, stroking it with his thumb. I melted into his touch.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" He whispered.

"Shut up." I grinned, blushing. Was this like a blushing contest or something?

"Make me." His lips slightly parted. I slowly leaned in to kiss him again. Once our lips touched it was soft and passionate. It felt like fireworks exploded in my body and I'd never been so happy. It was the best kiss I've ever had.

Brendon makes me so fucking happy.


Shorter chapter than usual but perhaps it's okay since their first proper kiss happened.

Have a good day y'all and remember,,


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