Chapter 30

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Brendon's POV
I was offended by Jackson's comment. Ryan was the only one allowed to tease me about my forehead. Because sure, I knew it was big. But that doesn't give people, except for Ryan, the right to make fun of me.

I decided to just drop it though. Before we knew it english class ended. Maybe it went so quickly because me and Ryan texted for 20 minutes and the class lasted for 40 minutes.

"Urie, Ross." Miss Jackson said and waved us over. We nodded and I met Ryan's gaze. His expression was completely blank. It's what he does whenever something bad is happening.

"Are you two aware of that you're not allowed to wear whatever you want during school time?" She sighed.

"Yes." Ryan nodded.

"Yes what?" She raised her eyebrows. She seemed pretty irritated.

"Yes sir." Ryan said, still no emotion on his face. But if you looked closely his lips were slightly turning upwards, barely seen.

"It's not sir! It's ma'm!" She yelled.

Ryan was probably holding in a laughter but I sure as hell wouldn't. I laughed like I'd never laughed before. Miss Jackson who was glaring at the taller boy was now looking at me with wide eyes.

Ryan's such an annoying goofball and I love that about him. He doesn't let anyone else control him, he does what he wants. It's like he lives in his own little world.

When I'd laughed for a good minute they were both staring at me, Ryan smiling widely and our teacher raging.

"If you don't change clothes right now you'll have detention for a week straight."

"Sir, I don't think we're comfortable changing clothes right now since you're here." Ryan pouted.

"For christ sake, do you need me to spell it out for you?!" She said. I had seen her angrier but this was a strong two.

"Probably." Ryan said. I had a lopsided grin on my face, trying my best to not look at the miracle mocking with the teacher. Because if I did I swear I'd get stuck. He's too beautiful to not look at.

"Go to your dorms and change clothes you stupid fucks." She facepalmed. Did she just call us 'stupid fucks'? Was she even allowed to insult students like that?
"And I'm actually being nice." She added quietly and scrunched up her nose. Did she just say nice?

Ryan grabbed my hand and we walked towards the exit when the moron behind us apparently wasn't finished,

"No touching!" She shouted but Ryan didn't care. He still held onto my hand, squeezing it when I flinched at the loud voice.

"She actually got some sleep last night. Maybe that's why she considers herself nice." I laughed when we arrived to my dorm. We stopped outside.

"How do you know?" Ryan questioned.

"Well I sorta stayed up all night and spent a couple of hours by the window in the hallway and not even once did she pass me. So I'm guessing she was sleeping." I rambled.

"What were you doing by the window?" He grinned.

"Thinking." I mumbled.

Ryan didn't say anything after I said that. Instead he looked at me adoringly, still grinning. I took my chance to admire his pretty features.

"So let's change." I sighed after two minutes of just staring.

"Sure, but not to the school uniform. She only told us to change, right?" Ryan smirked.

"You're unbelievable." I laughed.


Ryan had put on my clothes instead. He looked through my drawer until he found a button up shirt with flower patterns and low waisted blue jeans. I put on ripped skinny jeans and a grey ish hoodie.

"You look good in my clothes." I complimented.

"You looked good in your clothes too." He smiled.


The school day went on and I went to all those boring classes. People stared at me and teachers just rolled their eyes at me. Seems like only miss Jackson had the urge to take actions when someone broke such rules.

Eventually it became lunch time. Me and Ryan decided to go to lunch together because why not? Isn't that what friends do?

"I'm so tired." Ryan yawned as we walked next to each other to the cafeteria.

"Yeah, me too." I chuckled. I didn't sleep at all.

"I actually slept for almost 24 hours straight last night." He said.

"What?! Wow. That's.. cool? Weird? Incredible? Great? I don't know what to say, don't mind me." I rambled. I honestly had no clue how to respond.

"Thank you for calling my skills cool, weird, incredible and great." He laughed.

"Skills? Right. What skills?" I stuck my tongue out. All he did was smile and roll his eyes at me.

I wanted to kiss him so badly.

When we entered the cafeteria we regret it almost immediately. It was completely full. It's probably some visitor's day or something.

"Wanna eat in my room instead?" I said hesitantly but happily.

"Sure thing!" Ryan chirped, "but be careful, we're actually not allowed to do that." He said and I nodded.

Ryan grabbed a plate and I repeated his actions. He made a sandwich, I did one as well. Then he motioned for me to follow him which I was already doing and then we just stood in the middle of the crowd for awhile. I was wondering what the fuck we were doing but then Ryan hid his sandwich in my hoodie without saying a word. I did the same.

Then we left the crowd and put our unused plates on the counter and left the cafeteria.

"Smart." I giggled.

"Did you just giggle? Awh." Ryan smirked.

"Thank you for letting me carry your food." I quickly changed the subject. But let's be real, I changed it to something way more awkward, didn't I?

"You're welcome?" Ryan laughed.

"I'm honored." I continued.

"You should be."

We sat on my bed, eating our sandwiches in silence. The rest of the day went on and before we knew it school ended for the day.

Ryan had gone to his room to take a shower and I did the same. I took a quick shower. Then I sat on my bed and stared at the wall.

"Hey Brendon." Pete said when he came back from class.


"Are you okay? Like, you didn't seem okay last night." Pete said quietly.

"I'm okay. I was just being emotional, that's all." I chuckled, trying to laugh it off. So apparently Pete was awake.

"I'm here to talk if you need someone." Pete said and patted my back.

"Thanks man." I smiled.

My phone on my nightstand lit up and without even looking at it I knew it was from Ryan. I was right.

Ryan: Let's sneak out tonight.


I'm sad, but I've got some good news, something great is gonna happen in the next chapter

Enjoy y'all sinners

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