Chapter 9

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Ryan's POV
I smiled at Brendon as both of us left our own dorm at the same time. His cheeks turned into a pink shade which left my mind in confusion. Did I do something wrong?

Whatever, I shouldn't care. I don't care.

I followed him about 5 metres behind to the cafeteria. I wasn't specifically hungry, so I thought I could just grab an apple as usual but decided to eat some cereal instead. I'm not sure why the sudden change but it didn't matter.

So now I'm back in a room filled with people I hate. Especially Brendon. Or maybe I don't hate him? I dislike him. That's a better word. That's why I feel like I wanna fight him like I did last night all the time.

Brendon's eating eggs and bacon for breakfast. I didn't even know they served that here even though I've been here for years. I was sent here when I turned fourteen and now I'm turning seventeen in only a few days.

I'm sitting next to Brendon today. I just randomly decided to sit next to him and so I did. That's how simple that was. But that weird feeling I get around him came back.

Rage built up inside of me, all I wanted was to get rid of that feeling but it wouldn't leave me alone. It's like some scary stalker.

"Goodmorning guys." Frank said cheerfully. Everyone replied in a not-so-cheerful tone. Frank's probably the only person by this table who likes to wake up early.

"Did you sleep well, Ryan?" Brendon asked me in a rosty morning voice.

I hummed and looked at my cereal as I took another spoon. It tasted great. How come I've never tried this before? It's my new favourite 'food' now.

"I like this cereal." I mumbled more to myself.

"You don't say." Brendon said sarcastically.

"I've never eaten such good food before." I added and swallowed even more cereal. I was full already but it was so tasty.


"Of course, here, try this." I said and got some cereal on my spoon and put it towards Brendon's mouth, gesturing for him to part his big lips so that he can taste it.

He did as I wished and swallowed it.

"Fuck. It's good. Give me more." He demanded which made me laugh.

"Sure, you're the boss here." I murmured and kept feeding him. It probably looked weird. He could eat himself.

"Finally I'm the boss." He mumbled pleased.

"Brendon, I have to show you where your first period is." Pete interrupted.

"What do you have?" I asked before Brendon could answer Pete.

"Maths." Brendon sighed in disappointment.

"Oh, me too! I can show him, Pete. That way you won't be late for class." I offered happily.

"Thanks, Ryan." He said gratefully.

Brendon smiled to himself.

"Come on," I said and stood up as I grabbed Brendon's hand to show him where the classroom is.

"So you're not a fan of maths, huh?" I smiled.

I was actually in a decent mood.

"Nope. Hate maths and always have." He replied.

"Same though." I rolled my eyes at the thought of every boring maths class I've been through. It sucks.

I squeezed Brendon's hand without thinking. It felt weird. Holding his hand felt weird. I quickly let go of his hand to get rid of the weird feeling, but Brendon still held onto my hand not wanting to let go it seemed. I grabbed it again hesitantly. His hand was soft. It felt right in my hand somehow, like right puzzle pieces.

I didn't like this odd feeling.

"We're here." I sighed as we got to the outside of the classroom.

"Wanna just ditch?" Brendon blurt out and seemed shocked about his own chocie of words.

Was it really a bad idea though? Not really. It could get us in a huge amount of trouble. But it also depends on what we do. If we somehow manage to leave the school property we'd probably get suspended and a major warning, but if we stay here we'll probably just get detention. I can live with both.

"Sure. Good idea." I said surprised.

People kept walking past us. Sometimes it's a good thing, like now, that something about people nowadays is that they're always too busy with themselves. So no one's listening to us. Or maybe they're just being kind and doesn't wanna overhear our conversation.

Either way, I still hate people.

"We can't be seen though. Either we somehow escape this hell or just go to your or my dorm." I shrugged.

"Let's go to my dorm?" Brendon offered. I nodded in reply.

"Last one there is a chicken!" I squeaked and begun running down the stairs, Brendon was close behind though. Almost too close. He was probably gonna make it there before me. We ran across the 'hangout room' and the cafeteria before coming to the hallways for the dorms.

Brendon started running backwards and was still faster than me. He was still in front of me. I got this urge to push him, so I used the last strength I had and pushed him down onto the floor.

But of course he held onto me and dragged me down with him.

That sounded deep.

We ended up next to each other on the floor, my legs wrapped around Brendon's hips, aching bodies pressed against each other and only a centimetre between our faces. His breath tickled my nose and I'm sure mine tickled his. We didn't move. We were comfortable the way we were.

I stared at his messy hair, like no matter how much he tried to fix it it'd always end up messy after only a couple of minutes. I stared at his giant forehead, I stared into his still glimmering brown eyes and his perfectly shaped nose, his red plump lips and his sharp jawline.

I never thought I'd say it before, but this guy is actually really fucking gorgeous.

New perspective (#1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن