Chapter 26

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Brendon's POV
I woke up to the most adorable laughter and scent.

"Dude, have you seen his face?" Someone said in a dreamy voice.

My face was buried in Ryan's side and our legs were intertwined. Then the memory of yesterday's event hit me and it immediately brought a grin to my face. We must've fallen asleep.

"Hey there." Ryan chirped once he saw me flutter my eyes open.

"Goodmorning." I said in a raspy morning voice.

"Morning Brendon." Spencer winked across the room.

"What's going on?" I yawned and wrapped my arm around Ryan's waist to pull him even closer.

"We were just talking about how adorable you are." Ryan exclaimed and removed a stray of hair from my eyes.

"I'm not adorable but thank you." I chuckled.

"Yes you are. Deal with it." Ryan pouted.

"Someone's stubborn." Spencer laughed.

"It's morning. Don't expect me to be nice." Ryan glared jokingly at Spencer. Then he looked at me again and tilted my head upwards so that I would see more than just his chest.

I saw eyes more beautiful than all the stars and I somehow had the privilige of being watched by them.

Suddenly the door shot open and an angry principal stormed in. Ryan flinched and I quickly sat up, covering my naked upper body with a blanket as my eyes widened once I saw how red his face was. I'm being serious. He was a human version of a tomato.

Spencer froze on his bed and Patrick was still asleep. I swear he sleeps all the time.

"W-what's up?" I stuttered.

"Urie, Ross, I need to talk to you two in privacy." He growled.

I looked at Ryan to see him looking at his shaking hands as he stood up. I hurried behind him and rubbed his back soothingly, knowing that he was panicing. The principal motioned for us to step into the hallway, so we did. He closed the door behind him.

"Before I get to the real subject, just out of curiousity, why the hell are you in someone else's dorm in the morning, looking like you just woke up? And why are you shirtless?" The principal asked suspiciously.

"I-I.. I woke u-up five minutes ago in my dorm and then decided to go see R-Ryan because we're friends and it's s-s.. so hot that I decided to take my shirt off to c-cool down." I stuttered. Fuck. I hope he fell for my lie.

"Alright." He nodded and then continued,

"I've got several students coming up to me telling me that you two have been having romantical or sexual interactions." He cleared his throat.

All the blood rushed up to my face and I believe I was the tomato now. Ryan stayed silent so I decided to repeat his actions.

"Are you gonna deny this?" Mr. Dawson continued.

"Sir, what they saw is just something we do as f-friends." Ryan swallowed nervously.

"So you're friends with benefits?" Rian said in disgust.

"No, sir, what I mean is that we don't see it as something sexual." Ryan tugged on his sleeves. At least he had a shirt on.

"Romantical then?"

"No, sir."


"Well, whatever you two are doing you better stop. If I see or hear something like this again you will be punished. It's not something this school can tolerate." The man in front of us said harshly. I nodded as well as Ryan.

"I'll keep an eye on you two." He added and then left.

"Jackass." Ryan mumbled once he wasn't able to be seen anymore.

"Well shit." I sighed.

"Brendon, we'll have to be way more careful." Ryan whispered.

But what are we? Are we enemies? Friends? In a relationship? In between enemies and friends? In between friends and a relationship? Perhaps in between all three?

I wanted to ask him but that would only make me seem desperate.

I'm already known to be desperate so whatever.

"What are we?" I asked shyly, not moving.

"To be honest I don't know." Ryan sighed, "I don't think I'm ready for a relationship." He said quietly.

My heart sunk. He didn't want to be in a relationship.

"It's okay." I mumbled in disappointment because honestly,

I was really, really into this boy.

But forcing him into something he didn't want to was one of the last things I wanted to do. I had to respect his wish and just suck it up.

Ryan then looked behind him and made sure no one was behind me, when he saw that the hallway was empty, he quickly put a soft kiss on my cheek and then left with his hands behind his back.

I assumed it was a 'goodbye kiss', like, of course we'd still stay friends, but no more of the physical contact or flirting, if you could even call it that, right?

When Ryan's presence was no longer near me waves of sadness hit me. It felt like I was drowning. I missed him so much. Even if we never were in a relationship, it felt like I'd just gone through a breakup.

I can't even imagine what a real breakup would feel like.

Man, what is this boy doing to me?

It feels like he has some kind of spell over me.


I'm sorry but the story isn't over yet

I have some evil plans ;)

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