Chapter 10

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Brendon's POV
I stared at his styled hair, it always looked so hot in some way. I looked into his soft honey-brown eyes and saw him looking into mine. I let my eyes wander across his face and got stuck on his rough but cute nose, and his amazingly shaped lips. How could anyone even have such amazing lips? They were pouting a little and were big in a way but small in another way. It looked adorable. His face is kinda wide, it makes his cheeks look bigger, it's cute.

I never thought I'd say this before, but Ryan's really beautiful.

His eyes were now on my lips, which made my heart go crazy. I loved the feeling his warm breath gave me. I looked at his lips once again. We both slowly leaned in and Ryan's grip around my hips were tightening. I wrapped one of my arms around his waist and put my other hand in his hair and squeezed it gently, just waiting to close the gap between us.

Maybe this is what I wa-

"And what do you think you're doing?!" An unfamiliar voice almost yelled harshly.

Both me and Ryan froze.


We looked up at the woman standing by my feet. I unintentionally held Ryan closer in a protective way.

"Let go of each other! Come on!" She said furiously.

"Miss Jackso-" Ryan started, but never got to finish before she bent down to grab my wrist roughly and pull me up. I let go of Ryan so he wouldn't get in any kind of harm.

"What were you doing? Huh?" She continued.

"We fell." I said honestly in a calm voice although I was really upset. We actually did fall. We just ended up in a really weird but comfortable position.

"Like I'm supposed to believe that." She scoffed.

"It's true!" Ryan begged for her trust.

"Right. I'm taking you two to the principal's office. Relationships are not allowed on this school. Neither is any other physical contact than hugging and accidentally touching." She hissed.

Me and Ryan were basically screwed. I hope they'll just give us detention.

Ryan gave me a reassuring look which made me smile. He was at least trying to stay positive or make sure I was okay.

I took a deep breath to calm down. Everything was gonna be okay.

As we arrived to the principal's office miss Jackson, one of the english teacher's, knocked on the door.

"Don't come in. I'm busy." Mr. Dawson said.

"Even too busy to not punish two boys for making out?" She raised one of her eyebrows. I don't get how people can just raise one. Is it some superpower or what?

"N-yes. Sorry. Just tell them to not do it again." Mr. Dawson said unintrested.

Miss Jackson sighed in disappointment.

"Don't do it again, boys!" She said, obviously still mad. Me and Ryan just nodded and had an angelic smile plastered on our faces.

We walked back to my dorm in a comfortable silence, filled with some giggles every now and then. I was surprised miss Jackson didn't tell us to get to class though. Perhaps she thought we were on a break.

As we entered my dorm I threw myself onto my bed.

"I wanna sleep." I groaned.

"Tired, huh?" Ryan laughed.

"You should know." I mocked.

A part of me wanted to kiss him. Another part of me knew it was wrong and that I actually don't like him. He's just fun to annoy.


Who am I fooling?

He may be good looking, but I don't like him that way.


"If you want to sleep, go ahead and sleep. I'll be your new pillow." Ryan smiled as he layed next to me. I was pretty tense but I rested my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist as he wrapped his arms around my waist as well.

"Will you be here when I wake up?" I asked, feeling really needy.

"Of course." He replied in a smile.

I intertwined our legs to make it more comfortable and it sure was comfortable.

"I wanna use you as my pillow every time I'm gonna sleep." I murmured into his chest.

"Be my guest." He chuckled and put one of his hands in my hair to stroke it gently. Now that made me feel so calm and safe that I almost fell asleep immediately.

The last thing I remember is listening to Ryan's heartbeats.


"Brendon, Ryan, wake up, dinner's ready." I heard a very familiar voice say. I opened my eyes and the first thing I see is Pete's face, only 5 centimetres away from mine. He's got that creepy expression on his face. Instead of freaking out I bury my head in the amazing smell I woke up to. It smells familiar and it makes me feel safe.

I look up again and realise it's Ryan. He's already awake, grinning like a fool. I nuzzle my face into his chest again and breathe in his scent. Right now it's my favourite thing to do.

Ryan chuckles and I wanna stay like this forever.

"Guys, it's still dinner though." Gerard says as he sits by the edge of the top floor of the bunk bed and dingles his legs so that Pete who's underneath him won't tickle him.

I groan in respond, so does Ryan.

"We're just gonna stay here." Ryan says for both of us. I nod into Ryan's chest which makes all three of them laugh.

"Brendon's such a tired little babyyyy, a tired little babyy." Pete sings as he finally catches Gerard's feet and tickles them.

"S-sto-p i-it!" Gerard laughs.

"I hate being tickled. That's why I enjoy the pleasure of tickling others." Pete chirps happily.

"!" Gerard squeaks out between laughs.

"And what's gotten you into such a good mood?" Ryan asks Pete.

"N-nothing really." He stutters. "Let's go get dinner then! Ryan, you stay here and take care of the little baby."

"Will do." Ryan laughs.


I've rewritten this chapter three times and I'm still not happy about it.

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