A Long Night *Chapter 14*

Start from the beginning


"But you're his date?" she asked.

"Yes, Liz, she's my date and my maid. Drop it" Drew told her.

"Cool it. I was just wondering" she said while sticking her tongue out at him.

He rolls his eyes at her and I laugh. They both look at me funny. "You guys are so funny. You act like brother and sister" I explained.

"Well we grew up together so we are like brother and sister" he said.

"Oh, wow" I said.

"Yeah, it's sucks" Lizzy said.

I smile and she laughs.

"You know, you're cool for a human" Lizzy said.

I laugh and say, "Well you're pretty cool for a vampire."

She smiles. "I really like you."

Drew wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me back into him. "Yeah, well she' mine" he said. I can hear the teasing in his voice.

I shake my head.

More people come in and I get nervous again. A lot of the people are staring at Drew and me.

Two girls that look around our age start to walk over to us. One has blonde hair and brown eyes. The other one has brown hair with blue eyes.

I feel Drew tense up behind me.

"Hello" the blonde one says to me when they get to us.

Lizzy glares at the girls and then walks away.

I watch her go to another group of people and then say, "Hi."

"I'm Katie" she said.


"I'm Ali" the brunette said.

I nod my head at her and smile.

"Hi Drew" Katie said.

"Hi" he said sounding not too happy.

"What's wrong? Have you missed us that much?" she asked.

"I haven't missed you guys at all" he said.

"That hurts" Katie said while grasping her neck in a show of mock hurt.

Ali rolls her eyes at her friend's show behind Katie's back.

I feel Drew shrug and then he says, "Excuse us. We need to go."

"Where?" Ali asked.

"Away from you two" he said and then takes my hand and spins me around. We walk over to a couple guys.

"Hey" one of them said. He has long blonde hair and pretty blue eyes. He's kind of hot.

"Hi Max" Drew said. Then he gestures towards me and says, "This is Heaven."

"Hey, I'm Max" the blonde guy said.

"Hi" I said.

"And I'm Travis" a guy with short brown hair and green eyes said. He's a little cute.

"I'm Spencer" an emo looking guy said. He has long brown hair and green eyes with flecks of brown in them. He's cute too.

I smile at the three boys. "Nice to meet you guys."

They all smile at me and I blush a little.

I feel a small breeze and know that Drew isn't next to me anymore. A second later he's behind me with his arms around me and his chin on my shoulder. All of the boys are holding their heads too.

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