Book Six Chapter Seven

Start from the beginning

"What did you tell Alena?" I forgot about that part.

"That we need more space in here, and it needs to be child friendly" I laugh and nod, the perfect excuse, I have not even asked how the team have been, I will once Troy leaves.

"So" I turn to face the monitors.

"The cameras have not been recording been 9 and 4 every day since Jo started" I start clicking to show Jackson.

"Marcus" I begin turning to the sound of Troy's voice, ready to look confused.

"I know it's you, I can see the tattoo" I look down towards my arm, I forgot I rolled up sleeves up.

"Shush seriously shut the door and sit down" he stands in the doorway looking at me, nodding he walks in just sitting staring at me.

"Look let's get the issue sorted first, then ask anything you need to about what happened" looking at him I wait for confirmation.

"Jackson gave me details about the gang, Alena's business and that's pretty much it" right, that saves me some time.

"The babysitter is also part of it, the old babysitter can't be found anywhere. They have stopped the cameras recording between the hours Jo is here. Your job is to redo this room, keep the cameras on while you're in here" He looks at Jackson then back to me.

"The settings cannot be changed back at all. I am going to put two standalone cameras in, one in here and one in the living room. You will leave one day, and I'm hoping she gets whoever it was to come and check you didn't change the settings back" If she does we then have proof when it is needed.

"How dangerous is this?" Troy's question useless, nothing can change the danger.

'If they find out that we are onto them very dangerous, if their plan doesn't go ahead again very dangerous. If Alena walks in at the wrong time again very dangerous" I have to be honest, Jackson doesn't look like he is taking that to well.

"Troy, not one and I mean not one other person can know" He nods, and I know he will be the one to keep this secret, its Jackson I'm worried about. 

Sitting I explain everything, going over every detail with Troy.

"I will set up the two cameras, have you got them?" Jackson looks at me, and I nod, walking out I go to my room, grabbing the case I walk back.

"Here" I open the case taking out the two small almost invisible bug cameras.

"I will place one in here, you put one in the living room, make sure you point it towards the front door as well though. The cameras can be linked to our phones, laptops and any other devices, sorry Jackson, but not yours" He looks genuinely shocked by that.

"Why the hell not?" I have to laugh at his reaction.

"Because, if you have it linked to your phone your nose will be stuck to it the whole time you're meant to be working, plus if anything gets said you don't like. I can guarantee that arse of yours will get us all in trouble" He clearly can't deny it which is why he has shut the hell up.

"Right, go sort out the camera and see Alena, Troy can keep me company as I know he has questions" Jackson looks between us and nods.

"First, you realise Rebecca has been at my business right? She has not gone and found a Dom, she has been alone since you walked away" I don't exactly want to think about that, I have not been anywhere near a woman since Alena.

"She is booked in tonight, not in a room or anything just for food, you know you could go see her" I would love to see Rebecca, but there is no way of doing it without her knowing I am me.

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