Chapter 17: Used, Hurt, and Broken

Start from the beginning

I examine him when I'm done, "That's better," Holding the door open for him to enter, he walks in and sits on the couch. "I got you something at the store," he hands me a brown paper bag and I take it acceptably.

Digging through the bag, I pull out a book. "No way, you got me a book?" I state excitedly. I press my nose up to the open book and sniff the pages. I love the smell of old books.

"Not just any book," He points out, "A John Green book. As a belated birthday present."

John Green is my absolute favorite author. I've always been a fan of his ever since I read Paper Towns and Looking for Alaska.

"Thank you so much, Cole," I tuck a loose strand of my red hair behind my ear, "That's really sweet."

"Well, sweet's my middle name," He gives me a wink as I make my way over to the couch to sit next to him. I kiss him lightly on the lips, barely touching him. The kiss was the most gentle kiss we'd ever shared, one so sweet it tasted like pure honey.

"I love you, Kendall Grace," He whispers in my ear.

"I love you too," I let his arms wrap around my waist as he trails little kisses across my neck.


As we watch Paranormal Activity, I snuggle into Cole's neck. I cringe at the sight of the movie, not liking its horror aspect one bit. "Don't go in there, don't go in there..."

I nibble at my already-chewed fingernails and bunch closer to Cole. Just then, the figure enters the door and screams, a blood-curdling scream that I'm sure is what's making me shake so badly. I close my eyes and refuse to watch anymore.

"Want me to turn it off?" Cole asks kindly.

"Eh, yeah. I think I've had enough screaming for one night,"

After he turns it off, I rest my head on his shoulder. Cole must notice my shaking because he asks, "Are you cold?" Even though I know it was probably because I was so scared, I did feel a little cold. "Mhm."

He gets up to look for his jacket and I hear him curse under his breath.

"What happened?"

"Left my jacket at the bookstore."


Cole's POV

It's then when I realized something. I dug through my jeans pocket and found the receipt. Taking my phone out as well, I dialed her number and let the receiver ring in my ear.

"Hello?" said a sweet, yet sexy voice.

"Uh, hey. I think I might've left my jacket at the bookstore?"

"Oh, that's yours?"

"Yeah. I know the bookstore closes in about.. fifteen minutes. Can I come pick it up really quick?"

"Ah... how about I bring it to you? My manager's kind of strict when it comes to the store's hours and all that," She giggles.

"Uh, yeah. Okay. I live right in Brookshire Aisles, fourth house on the left."

"Alrighty then. See you in a bit."

With that, she hangs up the phone.

"Babe, I gotta go." I tell Kendall. I'm really not in the mood to leave and get my stupid jacket. What I really want is to sit down and snuggle up with Ken, watch her fall asleep in my arms, and see her bright smile when we wake up in the morning.

"I'll be back later tonight, if that's okay."

She wears a sad expression and suddenly I feel guilty. "Yeah, you can come back later," She gives me a small smile, as if to cover up her hurt.

"I'll be back around 10:30. Is that too late?"

She shakes her head and smiles once more. God, I love that smile.

"I love you," I say, and give her a light peck on the lips. Grabbing my keys from the kitchen counter, I head out to the house.


Once I get to the house, I wait up for Rebecca. It's already 10:26. My eyes start to get droopy and my lids close, but a second later, I hear the doorbell ring. I walk over and open it, seeing a small Rebecca standing on my doorstep, jacket in hand. "Looking for this?" She says holding it out to me. I chuckle and signal for her to come in.

She looks around, admiring every detail of my apartment. "Nice house," She nods her aproval. I plop down next to her on the couch. "Thanks for bringing my jacket,"

"Oh, it's no problem," she says.

"No, really, thanks. Is there anything I can do to like, repay you or something?"

She rests her index finger against her chin and taps it, as if she's thinking. "Well, there is one thing."

"What?" I ask.

"This." She grabs my shirt to pull me closer, and soon enough, our lips lock. She moves them frantically against mine as she moans softly against my lips. I try to push her away, but it's harder than expected, and eventually, I give up. I kiss her back, giving in to her enticing ways. I grab the side of her face to hold her still and she gets on top of me.

So many thoughts are racing in my mind at this moment. This is wrong. You have a girlfriend. A beautiful, amazing girlfriend. I want so badly to push her away. I wish I had the will to. But I can't help but find her courage and straightforward attitude captivating and sexy at the same time.

Just as she grabs my hand and brings it to her butt, my apartment door flings open. I break the kiss and soon, my whole body turns pale.

It's Kendall.

I look up at her in pure shock, pushing Rebecca off of me as she wipes the saliva from her lips. Kendall looks so sad, so defeated. My heart breaks looking at her like that, but suddenly she turns angry.

"I hate you," She says in the most bitter tone I've ever heard. Her anger builds up and eventually it becomes too much for her. Tears spill uncontrollably out of her eyes as she bolts out the door and into her car.

"Kendall!" I chase her, "Come back! It's not what it looks like!"

She pauses at the end of the sidewalk and turns back to me. Even in the dark, you can see her face is blotchy and red. "Go back to your filthy whore," She spat. "Leave me the hell alone." With that, she slams her car door and drives off.


A/N: OOOOHHHH. Cliff hanger! >:D I'm so evil, aren't I? ;D Well anyhoo, let me know what you think ^.^ Comment below, and of course, vote if you like (:

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