Book Five Chapter Forty-Six

Start from the beginning

"Enough of me, that drawer there, open it your present is in it, I will give you it now before everyone comes tonight" I get up walking over, I open the drawer taking out the gift.

"Are you sure he is okay with this?" I look at her, meaning this whole situation that is unfolding with us three.

"I am not even sure how I feel about last night, if he was actually okay with it or not" I know what she means. I look at the gift, the ring is beautiful.

"You hate it don't you, you're using Jackson as an excuse, it is so hideous your right" I laugh walking over to her I sit down smiling.

"No Alena, I love it, but I am still not sure about Jackson" I look down at the ring, unsure what Jackson will say about it.

"Honesty, I think he is, I saw his face last night, and it is as if he has realised I won't walk away from him, before he was convinced I would now he knows I won't he doesn't seem as worried. Anyway, I bought that when you said you were leaving before all this, so it doesn't matter, it was something to remember me by" I put it on smiling, I have memories to remember her by.

"Like I would need a ring to remember you, there is no forgetting you Alena" Smiling I get up to walk out.

"Wait, tonight is cancelled" Oh my word, this could actually be a good day, I mean, sure I am surrounded by people, but a party would be worse.

"Good, about time you saw some sense woman" She pulls a face at me and laughs.

"It may be cancelled at the club, but it is going ahead here, Jackson is sorting it out, only a few of Georgina's friends will be coming though, so you still get to celebrate it for a change"

 Well, my happiness was short-lived, I nod giving in, she could get me to do anything she wants.

"Hey, how does it feel to actually be with people on your birthday for a change?" Turning I walk back to her, I never even spent my birthday with Maria.

"It feels strange, it felt nice when I woke up at five with you in my arms, but in all it feels strange, what you really want to know is why I don't spend my birthday with anyone right?" 

I know that is her real question, she wants to know why I don't have people around me on my birthday.

"Well, yeah, see I don't mind spending mine with people just not actually celebrating it lol" She laughs, and I understand her, I just would rather be alone for mine, but this year she has me wanting to spend it with people.

"My birthday is not a day to celebrate, my dad left us when I was young, not an issue I grew up without a dad and it didn't matter, I still became a worthy man" Smiling I wink at her.

"I was deployed, I planned to go home a week after my birthday, on my birthday, I got the message about my mum passing, she didn't pass on my birthday, but it took a week for someone to find her, and another week for the message to get to me" 

Her hand strokes mine, as I relive that birthday, the one that made me hate every birthday since.

"I never celebrated a birthday since, never spent it with anyone usually that day I spend alone. Two weeks she lay there without me knowing, she was buried before I got back as well, I didn't even get to see her one last time" She looks at me, her face all full of sympathy.

"Anyway, you get some sleep, I will help Jackson with the girls and to sort out tonight, you really don't look well" Laughing, she nods, I walk downstairs Jackson looking confused and like he is drowning.

"I will watch the girls today, you sort all the other stuff out" he looks confused at me.

"No, it is your birthday you can't be expected to do that" I shake my head, getting the girls out the chairs, I take them in the room giving him no choice in the matter. Jackson busy all day planning tonight, sorting out the work issue still and worrying over Alena. 

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