Mortals And Gods

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A particular Saiyan couldn't stop grinning for some reason. It was most likely because the bastard that they've been fighting for so long had just been sliced right before his eyes. Though, the bad new still lies in the fact that he was currently falling towards the ground with little to no Ki left.

"This is gonna hurt," Kuzuku thought until he felt someone catch him before he hit the ground. He looked up to see who had grabbed his hand, only to see his majesty himself with half of his armor blown completely off.

"Thanks Vegeta. It really would of hurt if I fell any further," Kuzuku smiled while the Saiyan prince didn't bother to look his way. Trunks and Goku were already huddled up with the gang who were waiting by the time machine. Vegeta took his time to fly over there, dropping Kuzuku on his butt and landing on his feet.

"Ow! Looks like I stand corrected," Kuzuku yelped, rubbing his aching butt until he was quickly hugged by 21. He smirked and hugged back as well while looking at Trunks. Vegeta was given the typical proud smile from his Bulma and weird enough, F-Bulma was doing it as well. It kinda made him blush a bit, earning a chuckle from the carefree Goku.

"This is great! The future is finally free of Zamasu's terror and now......we can all live happy lives!" Mai cheered. They all nodded, happy that everything was finally over.....or were they? Kuzuku felt something was off and turned his head towards the crater, only to be completely and utterly confused as to what he saw.

"Guys.........we beat him right?" Kuzuku mumbled.

"Yeah, isn't it great! We'll finally have time for peace!" Trunks cheered.

Kuzuku began to sweat as they may have been dead wrong, "Well then, care to explain what I am currently looking at?!". Everyone turned to see what Kuzuku was looking at. There they saw the corrupt god was alive and well but returned back to his normal state. They were so frightened as it took literally everything they got and yet he was still alive.

"How! I sliced you in two to where you exploded! You shouldn't even be alive right now!" Trunks asked.

Zamasu began to cackle loudly, "You're right mortal, you did slice me in two but you forgot that I am immortal. I merely regenerated and that's not all.......". The fusion pointed his finger to another Zamasu that landed next to him.

"Two Zamasu! But how?!" Goku exasperated.

"Simple, you exploded my various body parts and now, due to my regeneration power, we were able to duplicate ourselves," Zamasu smirked devilishly. On cue, an army of about a thousand Merged Zamasu came out of the crater. Eventually they surround them from all angles, leaving them nowhere to run. Kuzuku got back up on his feet and stood along with Goku, Vegeta and Trunks. The four of them were determined to continue fighting, despite that all of them are one foot in the grave right now.

"You know, I am getting real tired of this self righteous, preaching egotist coming back to life," Vegeta pants.

"Yeah, if there were only a way for us to simply erase him from existence, then maybe we'd get out of this mess," Kuzuku mumbled. Goku was rubbing his chin until his brain finally access those extra brain cells that he didn't know he had. He quickly scavenge through his pocket and found what he had been looking for.

"Yes! It's still here!" Goku chimed, taking out a purple button that seemed ridiculously small for Goku's hand.

"Goku, what is that?" Kuzuku questioned, his face filled with curiosity.

"The solutions to all of our problems," Goku smirked as he pressed the button carelessly. Without any time wasted, a new figure appeared between them all. He had a child-like stature and was wearing luxurious clothing with a wield symbol on his shirt. His head had different shades of Blue and was shaped like a football. Gowasu and Shin were stunned but quickly ran over and got on their knees in respect.

Dragon Ball: Super and Beyond (OLD VERSION!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang