Kuzuku's Turn and Unrivaled Power

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The third match of the tournament was about to take it's place upon the stage. The crowd so far was pretty heated after the first two matches and wanted more action right away. Some of the audience from Earth however were getting a bit anxious over something else.

"Hmm it's been two fights so far and no one suspicious has popped up." Elder Kai noted

"Seems so, maybe we were over thinking things and that the Astackian showed up just to simply participate in the tournament." Supreme Kai optimism'd. As they were speaking the group of friends were also bantering among themselves.

"Man I can't wait to see Kuzuku fight again!" Kize pumped

"Yeah we haven't seen him fight since that time against Cell." Ace smiled. 21 sat in silence as she looked at their enthusiasm. She couldn't help but feel glad that Kuzuku has such supportive friends. So far, she watched the tournament in silence as she was really there to cheer Kuzuku on. But she couldn't help but notice a strange feeling with in her. She felt like participating as well. She really wasn't much of a fighter herself. Mostly relying on pure instinct and nothing more. She'd inferred that it may be because of the Saiyan cells inside of her is what's to blame for her sudden urges. She ignored that feeling and decided to do the next best thing. Cheer on her beloved on with all she's got. The announcer then proceeded to get started with the next match.

"Alright the next two fighters said they are ready for action. But are you ready?!". The whole crowd said "YES!" in union.

"I can't hear you!". They then repeated what they said with more force but you could hear someone say "Oh my god we literally all yelled, are you fucking deaf?!".

"Alright then lets get this third match fired up shall we. Now the first fighter to be introduced is a special one. He lives in the dark region of the South quadrant. He's had many battles in the pitch black environments and is currently undefeated. The night warrior himself Ninqua!". As he heard his name, a water tornado formed and dispersed, revealing the ninja like fighter. He wore a dark blue Gi with a scarf. His skin was that of dark blue as well. To fit the ninja like theme, he wore sandals and long armaments.

"His opponent is non other than the shocking preliminary opener himself. The last of his warrior race. Lets give a big round of applause for the Saiyan from the North, Kuzuku!". Kuzuku jumped onto the stage and landed in front of his expecting match-up. He stood up and smiled with pure goofiness. His Saiyan tail flowing in excitement

"Alright! Get him Kuzuku!" Chi Chi yelled as he was practically standing from her seat. 21 took notice of this and cheered as well. In no time the signal for the match to start commenced. Kuzuku took the initiative and launched himself towards his opponent. Ninqua was unexpectedly struck hard by a punch to the face. Kuzuku followed up with a reverse kick to the stomach, sending the ninja flying across the stage. The ninja then recovered quickly and jumped up into the air. Kuzuku stood and watch as the ninja fired a aqua blew Ki blast at him. Kuzuku dodged the blast and appeared behind him. Ninqua took notice of this and attempted to block his punch. To his frustration, Kuzuku's punch was so strong that it broke right threw his guard, sending him crashing the ground in a loud bang. The Saiyan then landed on his feat, wondering if he knocked him out.

"Alright way to go Kuzuku!" Ace cheered.

"As expected of someone who I've dated" Ryusika glamoured which not only earned her a glare from Liz but from 21 as well. Kuzuku was waiting patiently until he noticed a strange dark fog form around him. The crowd was wondering what was going on until the stage was surrounded in pitch black. Kuzuku was now on high alert, waiting for the oncoming strike. Once he sensed it, he narrowly dodged the expecting punch. Kuzuku then felt more strikes come his way and dodged each one swiftly. Kuzuku stopped and began to think.

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