The Demon Janemba Attacks!

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Back In Otherworld with King Kai

King Kai was currently tensed up from watching the fight between Janemba and Kuzuku unfold, leaving the people who were with him confused. His concentration was disrupted when someone instant transmission behind him. He turned to see Kibito Kai with Pikkon, Bardock and Gine along with the Supreme and Elder Kai.

"Oh it's been a long time Bardock. What brings you back here with the SUPREME KAI!?" King Kai asked.

"Yes it has been but we decided to tag along with these guys to see you again and to find out what the current situation was." Bardock replied. While talking Gine noticed Elery and Karroto standing behind the King Kai.

"Oh Elery it's nice to see you again!" She squealed hugging her when she closed the distance.

"It's also good to see you to." Elery replied. Bardock looked over to her mate and noticed that the female she was hugging and the man beside her had tails.

"Gine, you didn't tell me there were also Saiyans in Otherworld as well." Bardock spoke. His mate turned around and gave him a goofy expression.

"Oh sorry Bardocky, I didn't think you would care to know." Gine apologized.

"I thought I told you to not call me that.....and why wouldn't I care to know? He would of made a decent sparring partner." Bardock complained. The father of Goku walked over to Karroto and extended out his hand.

"You can call me Bardock. I can tell that you are the type that is itching for a training partner." Bardock greeted. Karroto smirked and shook his hand with a tight squeeze.

"Bardock is it? I've heard that you were the leader of an elite five-man squad composed of low-class Saiyans and despite that you rebelled against Frieza's army all by yourself. I have to admit you've earned my praise and by the way, my name is Karroto. I grew up admiring you from afar." Karroto said.

"Karroto is your name huh? I knew your father, he was a great man and was actually a platoon leader of High-class Saiyans." Bardock smiled.

"Glad we have something to relate to." Karroto nodded. Nana tapped King Kai on the shoulder to get his attention.

"Ummm Mr. King Kai, do you have a way for us to see what is going on with Kuzuku? You seem to be the only one to watch." Nana kindly asked. The blue antenna man shook his head in a way to say no.

"I'm sorry but if I were to let multiple people touch my shoulder then we wouldn't be able to view the fight as it would put strain on my body." King Kai solemn.

"Don't worry just leave the spectating job to me." Supreme Kai told them. He raised his hand to generate a giant viewing orb in the sky and levitated it just enough to let it softly touch the ground. Every besides the inhabitants of the world of the Kais looked at the ball for a moment in udder confusion before it revealed a series of moving images.

"There we go, now we can watch the fight unfold in person." Elder Kai blithe. Soon the image became more clear, displaying Kuzuku dodging and fending off various Ki blasts and punches that were coming from every direction.

"I can see the fight now! Thank you uhhh, kind sir!" Nana chirped. The Kai's besides King Kai that were present, starred with curiosity. Elder Kai decided to have a word with the Saiyan while he was fighting.

"Kuzuku can you hear me!" Elder Kai shouted. Everyone turned to the old man who was suddenly shouting at the sky. Kuzuku stopped moving for a moment, knowing that Elder Kai was speaking to him but started dodging again. While in the mitts of battle he started talking telepathically.

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