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Riley was instructed to head over to Bulma's since the house was practically destroyed. She was told to pretty much inform the most luxurious woman in the world about what had happened while her brother goes out to fight both Hudo and Zugo. She was reluctant to do it though. This was because she still wasn't all to comfortable around Kuzuku's Earth friends. Especially around Bulma's husband, Prince Vegeta. He always had a stern but yet threatening look to him. Like as if he is staring into your very soul and trying to depict whether or not you are someone he may come to despise. But she did so anyways since she became quite close to his son Trunks. She had finally landed in front of the Brief family's household. She could still never get over the fact on how large their house was. She buzzed the front door and heard footsteps approach the door. It flew open to reveal the lavender door that she had come to adore.

"Huh? Your Kuzuku's sister right? What bring you here, its kinda late." Trunks said

"Yeah your right Trunks! Now you should head to bed, you know I don't want you staying up at this time!" Bulma scolded. Trunks was too tired to argue and did what his mother asked. Bulma was now standing in front of the Saiyan girl.

"Sorry about that Riley. So what brings you here this late?" Bulma asked.

"Where do I start?" Riley chuckled. Bulma invited her in to have a cup of coffee as the Saiyan girl explained the situation to her. Bulma listen intently throughout the conversation. When she was done explaining, Bulma laid her mug down on the table and sighed heavily.

"Well I can now understand why you stopped by. I will send workers to repair the damage that was caused to the cabin and remodel it to better suit more people. As for now, you can stay here for the time being." Bulma offered.

"Okay, I am much appreciated to your support Bulma. So I guess I will be staying on the couch?" Riley asked.

"Oh no, don't be silly! We have many guest rooms, you can have the one near Trunks if you'd like." Bulma assured her. Riley took the offer since she didn't really have much of a choice. She made her way down the long hallway. She felt like she had been walking forever but started to hear sounds off explosions and booming. She maneuvered her way through the infrastructure and found a door that housed the sounds that she heard. She hesitantly took a step forward with the doors opening instantly for her. She jumped at the sudden opening of the door but mustered her courage to walk into the room as the doors closed behind her. Almost instantly, she felt a tug of gravity begin to weigh her down. She struggled to her stay on her feet while hearing someone spat at her.

"What on Earth are you doing here, girl!". She slowly looked up and saw the man she was trying the most to avoid right now.

"Uh....I sorta got lost and stumbled into this room...Grragh" She grunted with a nervous smile.

"Hmph but that doesn't explain why you are in the home of the most powerful warrior in the universe." Vegeta huffed.

" see, my brother's cabin got wrecked and Bulma offered for me to stay here until it was fixed." Riley answered.

"So the boy is here?" Vegeta queried further

"No....Graghh....he's fighting against both Zugo and Hudo right now since they were the ones responsible. But holy crap, what is with the gravity in this room!?." Riley answered

"Well that's a shame. Anyways it seems you are struggling to handle a measly nine hundred times Earth gravity. Honestly I expected better from a blood relative of your brother." Vegeta replied.

"Nine-Hundred! No wonder why it feels like I can't move." Riley smirked a bit.

"You're welcome to leave. You can go to bed right now and kiss your aching boo-boos" Vegeta mocked.

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