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The room was something that came out of a sci-fi movie. It contained one bed that was on the side of the wall. It had pretty nice ventilation and a table that was implanted into the ground. The walls were completely white and the lights were very bright. Next to the bed was a simple bookshelf that obviously contained books of various genres. What lies in the bed was a Saiyan who was covered in bandages, sleeping peacefully with in a rather comfortable position . The Saiyan started to open his eye weakly as the light practically blinded his vision. Once he adjusted to the light, he tried to get up as he realized that his surroundings were unfamiliar. When he did he suddenly a felt pain at his side and clutched his ribs. He went to go check on it and saw that it was bandage pretty good. Kuzuku sighed with relief that he didn't bleed out. Kuzuku then realized something was wrong. He felt incredibly weak for some reason. He tried to generate a small amount of Ki in his palm but struggled to do so. As Kuzuku began to ponder on what was going on, he heard the sound of the door opening and closing immediately. He turned to see what had come through the door and was shocked to see the mastermind of this situation in front of him with a rather bulky man. She was currently in her Majin form which made Kuzuku think that she was about to eat him.

"Well, look who's awake," 21 pointed out blatantly, her voice deadpanned.

Kuzuku clenched his fist, readying himself to dodge any on coming attack that she might throw at him, "What am I doing here Android 21!". He wasn't sure what her intentions may be but he couldn't let his guard down.

"Well, that's no way to talk to someone who saved your life," she answered with a childish temper.

His face contorted with a mix of annoyance and anger, " Oh, yeah how could I forget. Also forgot how you also forgot to add the part where you almost killed me!". The majin women huffed at his words, her face now showing definite annoyance.  

"Well, sorry for being generous and helping you out. Maybe I should of left you to die back there by bleeding out! To think saving someone by treating their wounds for them would give me such a headache in such a short amount of time!" She retaliated. 

The Saiyan didn't have a comeback for that one so he decided to change the topic, though he still gave her the evil eye, "So, what are you going to do with me now huh? Going to turn me into candy?".

Her expression changed, showing more of a happy going side as she clasped her hands together, "No, no, nothing like that. Trust me, if I wanted to eat you then I would of done it ages ago, especially in your condition. I was thinking of using you for a little fun or even research even."

"Use me? In what way?" Kuzuku wondered, eyeing her careful as he studied her behavior. It was strange, he didn't sense any killing intent and her voice was cheerful for some reason. He was having trouble figuring her out. Normally he was good at that kind of stuff but right now, he was in the dark.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe smack you around like a toy? Or use you as bait for your friends? Ah maybe I can make you into my personal friend!" she said with glee at the thought. 

Kuzuku cringed at the idea, snapping in defiance, "Like I want to be associated with a person like you!". He couldn't understand her reasoning at all. Friends? For what exactly? Wasn't she the one throwing the world into turmoil and nearly killed him in the process. Why would she want to be friends with him. Besides, doesn't she have that big guy to keep her company? 

"Ugh! 16 I am slowly regretting my decision!" she moaned, her plans not coming as easy as it sounded before. Kuzuku turned towards the tall man with the red mow hawk, his eyes burning with questioning, "Huh, 16?".

"Yes, I am known as Android 16. I was re-built by 21 after I was destroyed via self destruction at the Cell Games," he informed, quickly summing up on why he was still alive despite literally blowing himself into pieces. 

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