Gathering Forces and Secrets Discovered

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After talking some more and getting ready for the day, the two decided to have some breakfast and chat about things to lighten the mood. Their conversations were mostly consisting of light chatter, cracking in some jokes there and there from time to time. Kuzuku swallowed an piece of toast, pointing his fork at 21 while she ate a brownie whole, "Don't you think sweats in the morning are a bad idea? I mean, you could upset your stomach that way.". 21 blinked a few times before swallowing her food without chewing. She blushed, not knowing how to respond to such a questions.

"Sorry, I was just hungry that all. I've always had such a sweat tooth even before the change. I guess I am so much of a glutton when it comes to sweats that I forget my manners," 21 admitted. 

Kuzuku tilted his head in confusion before passing it off as nothing, "Well, I guess that's understandable. I have to go to secure places during school when I eat my lunch. Since I am Saiyan, my metabolism is pretty fast when it comes to eating.".

"Is that so? That explains why I eat so much when I don't feel gaining anymore weight," 21 fascinated, learning new things about other species and even about herself. Kuzuku chuckled lightly, "Yeah, I guess it does help that I eat that much. I get to try so many different types of food without passing out from over eating. It definitely helped out in building strength and getting stronger while training.".

"Do you train often?" 21 wondered, taking another bite of her cake that was left on the side. 

Kuzuku nodded slowly, remembering all of the training session he's taken part of, "Yeah, I trained a little before I came to this planet. But, that was hardly what I would call training now compared to the type of training I had with Gohan and the others. It was hard and I nearly died a few times but I can proudly say that the results were worth it........well somewhat.". 21 gave him a quizzical look, not understanding what he meant by the last part.

"What do you mean by 'somewhat'?" 21 asked slyly, now curious as to why he said that. Kuzuku scratched his cheek, laughing nervously as he recalled recently. 

"Well, at school I normally where long sleeve and baggy clothing to hide my physical build. I don't like standing out to others and I was told to try and not raise suspicion. It's a hassle trying not to over do it when I am in P.E and when it was fitness day at school, I forgot to bring some sweats and ended up revealing too much when I borrowed my friends clothes for the day. Before I knew it, I had at least half the school's female population on my tail," Kuzuku admitted, laughing as he recalled what happened step by step. 

"For the whole day, my friends helped me escape the hoard by directing me through traffic as we were running from a stamped of girls. It got to the point where we had to go stealth mode to get our stuff when the bell rang," Kuzuku laughed louder while 21 giggled at the story and asked while she stuffed herself with a huge piece of cake, "So Kuzuku, how do we go about cleaning up my mess?". He was taken back by the sudden change of topic but smiled at her eagerness. 

"Hmm, for starters, we have to round up my friends and explain to them that you are on our side now. Then, we gotta take care of the clones which is good since you can use them to subdue your hunger until we figure something out," he explained. 21's hunger has been quite dormant for sometime now so she didn't really have time to think about it due to the whole drama with earlier.

Kuzuku then grimed at another thought, the thoughts of getting full on payback clouding his mind for a moment, "Then there's having our powers being suppressed and taking care of Frieza and Cell." 

21 nodded, " Well the power suppression can be fix as I can simply destroy the remote.". Kuzuku sighed with relief, knowing that he will have his hard earn strength restored to him in no time. 

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