Ace's Dilemma! A Friend's Favor?

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It's been two days since the fight against Kugeki and his forces and Earth has been left in peace as it recovered its energy that was stolen from the generators implanted in it. Life went on as per usual, birds singing in the morning, grass moving around as the calm breeze filled the outside. The sound of a calm stream could be heard outside of the bedroom of a particular Saiyan who was brushing his teeth in his bathroom. Once he got dress, he exited with a plain white shirt and some sweats. He was still using crutches since moving around with pure leg strength was a big no in his recovery. 21 had did an analysis on him when she was treating his wounds with her Ki. Though tired herself, she was kind enough to do so anyways since she didn't want to leave his side until she was sure he wouldn't die in his sleep due to internal bleeding. She concluded that he had several broken bones, his right arm nerves seemed to be numb, and to top it all off, his left leg seemed broken as well. It was going to take time for him to heal in which he felt conflicted. Yes, he gets to enjoy some nice relaxation time but the fact that he won't be able to train for a while was something comparable to a nightmare for him. Speaking of training, Goku was back at his daily routine of training with Whis ever since Kuzuku had displayed power worth competing with. Vegeta on the other hand has still not return from wherever he went which was typical of him.

Kuzuku made his way to the kitchen to fix himself a bowl of cereal. After doing that he sat himself down on his couch and turned on the news. After a few hours, he heard a doorbell ring and got up to limp over and open it, revealing a person he hasn't seen in a long time.

"Hey Kuzuku, how's it been!" Ace chirped with his typical nice guy smile. Kuzuku's face lit up since it's been nearly a whole year since he's seen Ace.

"Yo Ace! Long time no see buddy!" Kuzuku said as if he were to go in for a hug but remembered that he was still in crutches. There was a small awkward moment in the air.

"Heheheheheh, guess I totally forgot that I can't do hugs right now." Kuzuku chuckled.

"You haven't changed a bit haven't you." Ace mocked. Kuzuku laughed a bit before allowing Ace inside so they can chat and catch up on what's pretty much been happening in their lives.

"So Kuzuku to start us off, what happened to you recently? You know, seeing you in crutches means that something dangerous and big happened." Ace asked.

"Yeah I guess you could say that. To answer your question, let's just say that someone was threatening the Earth again and my friends and I manage to stop him with some difficulty." Kuzuku said nervously.

"Hmmm, guess I can take that answered, explains why there was a lot of earthquakes and random bizarre weather going on." Ace accepted.

"Yeah, it's been two days and everyone else are still recovering from the damage. But enough of the whole battle life, how's taking over your family business been?" Kuzuku asked. Ace's expression morphed into something different, indicating that something was indeed up.

"It's been going well. I am further ahead in my course compared to other students at the university and my grades have never wavered. It's just that my dad has been pushy lately." Ace iterated, catching Kuzuku's full attention.

"Like how pushy?" Kuzuku raised an eyebrow.

"Well the type of pushy where he pretty much wants me to participate in this arrange marriage....." Ace revealed.

"Arrange Marriage!!!!!" Kuzuku exasperated.

"Calm down, no need to shout." Ace eased. Kuzuku took a deep breath and exhaled.

"What about Liz? Does she know about this yet?" Kuzuku questioned seriously, receiving his answer through Ace shaking his head.

"No and I intend to not tell her about this until I settle on resolving this issue. I still love her and that's never going to change but my damn father has gone too far this time!" Ace cursed under his breath.

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