Comfort From A Former Enemy

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The day progressed in a rather boring fashion. All Kuzuku could do was lounge around in confinement as he waits for someone to save him. Granted he was neutral towards 21 for now but still, he couldn't give up on getting out of here. Kuzuku was also beginning to worry about his frequent nightmares. He wondered why those tragic memories would not leave him alone for all these years. As dinner fast approached, Kuzuku was feeling a bit groggy when he woke up from his nap due to yet another nightmare. He walked to the bathroom to wash his face until he saw a faint image. He passed it off as a nothing to worry about and went to look at the bedroom mirror. As he walked over his head started to ache to an extent where he nearly keeled over. 

"Ughh, not again! I guess I suffered some sort of head injury as well! Either that or these nightmares are having an affect on my psyche..." he thought, the pain pulsating in his skull. Kuzuku accidentally deactivated the lights and the room was now dark when trying to navigate through the pain. He then began to here the voices of those villagers that damned him over and over again. He looked into the mirror and saw his own reflection. In a mere second that Kuzuku was trying to fight against the voices he caught glimpse of a bloodied reflection that smiled at him. His eyes dilated as he punched the mirror, the sound of glass shattering echoing from his perception. It was at that time that 21 came in the room with his dinner, unknowing of what had happened until she walked into the room, "Kuzuku why are the lights off? And what happened to the mirror!". The Saiyan stared at the shattered shards on the floor, the image that he saw still reflecting from the glass before it faded into nothingness. He sighed giving her the first assuring smile she's gotten from him.

"Nothing, nothing at all happened. Don't worry about it," Kuzuku said, his voice abnormally weak for his standards. In 21 perspective, she noticed that he looked oddly pale, her instincts already having her to walk towards him and place her hand on his forehead. Her eyes narrowed, quickly understanding his condition, "Kuzuku I think you should lay down, you're burning up." She helped Kuzuku move by providing support, afraid that he may keel over by trying to get back to his bed. They moved slowly, his body feeling heavy as he plopped down on his back, the bed rustling from the added weight. 21 gave him an worried look, his eyes closed as he breath in and out. After a few seconds, she went over to get a broom and dustpan, cleaning up the shattered glass spread across the floor before heading back to check on Kuzuku.

The Saiyan opened his eyes slowly, though not all the way. However, it was noticeable that he was looking at her and giving her attention, "Thanks, 21,". His voice was low, a whisper even. Kuzuku's head was pulsing, his mental health and even physical health was deteriorating. It was most likely due to both the injuries he's received in such a short amount of time while also dealing with repetitive nightmares consistently. Anyone could be affected by it, Saiyan or not. 21 nodded, putting on a comforting act in hopes to help lighten the situation.  

"No problem. Anything for a friend," she smiled. She seemed more caring than she previously let on in their first encounter, a note that Kuzuku would place in the back of his mind. He turned towards the ceiling, thinking for a moment.

"Friend huh? Say 21 what was your life before being turned into a Android?" Kuzuku asked weakly. 21 one expression changed as she looked like she was experiencing the past all over again.

"Well, I was a scientist in for the Red Ribbon Army along with my jerk of a husband. We were both young back then. But one day when the army was pushing him, he got worse than before. He started to perform experiments that would go against many scientist. As fate would know it, he used me to fuel his ambition. I was then later reborn into the android you see today," she explained, her eyes showing that the full story was almost too painful at the moment. That look didn't stay for long, now turning into a tearful happy looking face, chuckling solemnly while streaks of tears left her eyes "Hahah, now that I recall it, even though I used to be in my early twenty's but I am technically not even 10 years old yet due to having a new body. It kind of makes me feel a little better as in having a second chance.". She tried her best to feign a smile but Kuzuku could tell that she was hurting. 21 felt her hand wrap around by Kuzuku's tail.

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