Powers Sealed?

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Its been a week since Kuzuku had that dream and since then he has managed to use Kaioken x2 for 5 minutes tops. Kuzuku is now arriving in at class to his realization that nobody is in the room. He walks around for help until he noticed that everyone was outside in P.E clothes and decided to look for Ace. When he found Ace he noticed that he was be bombarded with girls who had the hots for him and his muscular build and decided to ask him what was going on.

"Good morning Ace, whats going on? Why is everyone outside?" Kuzuku asked

"Oh you didn't know? Its exercise day at the school. Ever since Mr.Satan 'saved' the world, he made it so that schools would require a day of exercise every two months," Ace explained as today was November 9 so he didn't expect this.

"Oh well crap...," Kuzuku says with nervousness. He didn't bring his typical gym clothes to school so he was pretty much unprepared.

"Hey don't worry dude, I got a spare of clothes for ya," Ace offered

"Oh, well thanks.....," Kuzuku accepted

Moments later the girls were all back on Ace as he handed Kuzuku a pair of shorts with a short sleeve shirt.

"Well fuck, looks like this is about to get ugly." Kuzuku cursed. When he changed into the clothes Ace gave him, he hesitantly walked out the locker room and walked over to Ace.

Ace turned around to greet his friend, "Finally you are back, so what are we-.". Ace sentence was cut short as he turned around and saw something most unexpected. The nerd boy that is his friend was actually no "nerd". The other boys that were nearby also gasp at the sight to where it then draw a crowd. What they saw was a muscular toned martial artist who was big in every area of his body. Ace was the first who spoke.

"Holy cow Kuzuku, you're actually buff!" Ace said with shock.Kuzuku could only blush slightly

"Uh well, I do lift weights every now and then," Kuzuku chuckled as he tried to come up with some sort of bail out. It was then Kize and Vincent ran up to them as they conversed.

"Dude, I thought you said you simply had strong genetics," Vincent said as he stop in front of them

"Now I am convinced we gotta get you to join some sort of team because oh man your built like a super athlete!" Kize exclaimed.

Kuzuku scratched his head nervously, "Uh thanks but---.". Before Kuzuku could even finish he saw the most terrifying sight. A swarm of crazed hormone girls with nothing but lust spread across their face were coming at him with inhuman speed. Kuzuku with Kize, Ace, and Vincent all turned around in the opposite direction and began to take off in a full sprint. Of course Kuzuku watched his speed but he was still moving fast as hell. From then on Kuzuku and the others day of being chased began. The group finally lost them and were hiding behind a wall.

"I never thought that giving some clothes would put my life at risk," Ace breathed heavily from all the running they did.

"Yeah those girls were crazy for Ace like everyday so now I can't even say that they are crazy now because that is beyond that," Vincent added. Once Ace caught his breath he decided to pick up where they left off.

"So Kuzuku you said you lift weights now? Then you must have some unreal work ethic to get a build like that," Ace said.

Kuzuku chuckled nervously, " Yeah, but now you see why I where a long sleeve shirt and sweatpants to gym.".

Kize laugh slightly at that, "Well why don't you try out for any sports?".

"Truth is I don't try out because I am busy studying rather than going out for teams. I mean I like sports a lot especially basketball but you know I just don't have the time for it," Kuzuku explained

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