The Fruits Of Training Explode! Warriors Emerges!

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Week 47 in the Time Chamber...

It's been quite sometime since the trio began their training in the time chamber. Since then, they have improved their skills and learn from their weaknesses. As of right now, the trio were partaking in a little two on one sparring since it was supposed to be a hard day for them. Though, since there was only three of them, clearly someone would be getting teamed up on by two very powerful foes. The bigger question was who? Well, of course the unlucky individual would have to be our unfortunate full-blooded Saiyan. In his Super Saiyan 3 state, Kuzuku was fending off against punches from every single direction imaginable. His eyes were trying their best to keep up with the onslaught along with his arms that grew tired from blocking the strikes.

"Holy crap did someone piss in their cereal this morning? They aren't taking it eas—," Kuzuku wondered until his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sight of Piccolo's arm raising high into the air.

The Namekian roared loudly as his hand came crashing down towards the side of Kuzuku's neck, "Stop daydreaming and focus on what's in front of you!".

The Saiyan felt the blow strike him hard, his oxygen supply being cut off momentarily while he was rocketed towards the ground. For a moment, his eyes were closed until he peeked up towards his opponents while he was still falling. What he saw shocked him, especially since two fiery-yellow energy waves were coming straight towards him. He groaned, muttering to himself harshly, "Well ain't that just fantastic!".

Without wasting anymore time, he flared his Ki higher than before and threw his open hands forward. A loud roar came out of his mouth, bringing forth two powerful energy waves to counter the dangerous pair coming towards him. Upon collision, they exploded in a large cloud of smoke that gave the full-blooded Saiyan enough room to flip himself so that his feet could touch the ground below. The moment he landed created an earthquake that shook the surrounding area, showing how fast he was falling in the first place. Knowing that he had little time to plan, he looked up to try and spot any sign of movements. Just as expected, he noticed one shadowy figure moving towards the left with in the smoke. He reacted quickly, dashing through the air like a stream of golden light to intercept the figure's movement. By the time it was revealed to be Piccolo, Kuzuku's fist had already closed the distance and decked him across the face.

Piccolo groaned loudly while his Saiyan opponent smirked at his clever charge. Without a second thought, Kuzuku sent the Namekian flying away with a reverse roundhouse kick that slammed right into his ribs. However, by the time Piccolo was zipping through the skies due to the kick, Kuzuku noticed Gohan coming towards his right at dangerous speeds that were fast enough to create a hole through a cloud of smoke. Showcasing his impressive speed, Kuzuku maneuvered so fast that it created an afterimage that Gohan's kick frontal side kick to hit nothing but air. The son of the hero of Earth was surprised for a moment, his eyes widening after realizing it was nothing more than an illusion of his target.

"Not bad, his speed improved a lot. But, then where could he have possibly gone. Wai----!" Gohan thought before realizing two energy blasts coming from beneath him. Swiftly and dodge from his left and then his right, allowing the blast to past by. They hurled into the sky above before exploding into two large balls of energy that blinded the half-breed.

Instinctively, Gohan covered his eyes from the light and mumbled, "Damn it, I can't see! He must of planned this from the start.".

"You're right about that one!" Kuzuku shouted, causing his fellow Saiyan to turn around in shock as he came rocketing towards him from above. Due to his eyesight being hindered, he couldn't properly gauge on how fast he was approaching thus allowing Kuzuku's foot to land firmly on Gohan's cheek for a split second before he was sent crashing into the ground.

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