A New Enemy Of The Future!?

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Chapter Notes:F-Trunks For This Chapter stands for Future Trunks.

Two Months Later

It was a bright sunny day at the Capsule Corporation's household. Outside, was none other than the two brightest scientists in the world, working on yet another invention inside the Brief family lab.

"21, is the stabilizer all ready and set yet?" Bulma asked. 21 looked up and wiped off a bit of sweat off her forehead.

"Yes, it's ready to go when you are," 21 answered. Bulma nodded and activated the machine, causing it to instantly glow as the gears went to work. In mere seconds, drops of blue liquid filled the container. Bulma clapped her hands together, happy that her invention worked.

"Great! Thanks for the help 21, it was much appreciated. Now I can produce some of this fuel for Jaco's ship in a day thanks to you," Bulma thanked.

"No problem Bulma, it's always a pleasure to work with another scientist," 21 giggled. The two had grown to be close friend due to their love of science, so far as the media seemed to call them sisters of some sort. Going on outside however, was a lavender haired boy training in the garden with the person that he looks up to like a brother. The two trained while the Pilaf-Gang hanged around to while eating lunch as they watched to two spar.

"Come on Trunks, you've got to try harder than that if you want to land a punch against me," Kuzuku teased, blocking another kick aimed at his face. Trunks landed back on his feet and was gasping for air.

"Man, can I just turn Super Saiyan at least? It'd be easier if I were to fight you in that state," Trunks complained.

"Sorry, no can do Trunks. It'd defeat the purpose if training is taken an easier route," Kuzuku chuckled. Trunks pouted before going right back at Kuzuku, throwing punches and kicks at every angle he could think of. Mai took a sip of her drink as she watched them go at it again.

"Those two sure have a lot of energy today," Mai noted.

Trunks had grown a little since their last encounter, standing at the age of ten. He's become more insistent on being strong like his father but since he was currently away with Whis again, Kuzuku steps in to fill his shoes each time 21 is asked to help out with Bulma. Kuzuku noticed that something was starting to become...off. He didn't know what but he felt a distortion in the air as he wasn't the only one. The two looked into the sky where they sensed the distortion coming, confusing their observers as to why they stopped training. Then on cue, a series of particles filled the spot before a machine appeared in the sky startling everyone. It descended to the ground, powering down as it accomplish its task. The two Saiyans flew to the glass that seemed to be covered in ashes.

"Who do you think it may be Kuzuku?" Trunks asked.

"I don't know, but considering the ash on this container, he must of went through something pretty drastic," Kuzuku muttered, wiping some of it off the get a better look. It was a man who wore a blue vest and red scarf, holding a sword on his back with blue hair similar to Bulma. Kuzuku started to examine to contraption and saw that it was a Capsule Corp model.

"Capsule Corporation?" Kuzuku muttered. He then heard footsteps fast approach them. It was Bulma and 21 who came to see what was going on as 21 sense the distortion as well. Bulma caught a glance of what the machine looked like and instantly started to worry, running faster than she thought was possible for herself to do.

"Kuzuku! Is there a boy with Blue hair in there?!" Bulma asked.

"Yeah what of it?" Kuzuku blinked twice.

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