Unprecedented Transformation! Finish Him Off Kuzuku!

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Aereos stood above the Golden Ape that is supposed to be his Saiyan combatant. He knew that Saiyans could transform into such a wild beast but couldn't fathom them being able to do it without the moon. Piccolo was trying to come up with a plan to stop Kuzuku from destroying the planet.

"Hey......uh Piccolo, why is he gold? I recalled my memories from the past and I don't remember this form being golden." Kashu asked as people were running past the group in fear. The memories from that tragic time came back to haunt them, throwing the village into a frenzy.

"Its probably a mutation due to him being a Super Saiyan. He is so stupendously more powerful than an ordinary Saiyan, only making him that much harder to deal with." Piccolo answered. Aped Kuzuku took notice of Aereos floating above him. He started to get angry all of a sudden.

"RAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Kuzuku roared. The mere shock-wave from his howling blew the dark god back. In mere moments, the golden ape vanished from his sights.

"He's fast!" Aereos thought before getting smacked to the ground, crashing through several trees. Aereos shot back up and punched the ape in the forehead, causing him the howling in pain. Aereos then began to launch his numerous spikes that would detonate on contact. Kuzuku howled more in pain as the blows collided with his ginormous body. Aereos stopped to avoid wasting too much energy, thinking that he finished the monkey off until a large hand reached out and grabbed him.

"Graghhh!" Aereos grunted. He was now face to face with an enraged ape, ready to start beating him senseless. Kuzuku then threw the dark god into the village, crashing and leveling several houses. Kuzuku then fired a huge mouth blast at the deity. Aereos barely dodged, leaving the beam to trail across the ground and making several explosions. Kuzuku pounded his chest even more and began to throw boulders at random. 21 created a shield defending the others from his rampage.

"Crap this is worse then I thought." Piccolo frustrated.

"You guys stay here, I will try to talk some sense to him." Gohan said exiting the reddish-pink barrier. He flew in front of his students face, causing him to pause for a bit.

"Kuzuku you need to get a hold of yourself! Are you trying to kill everyone on the planet." Gohan yelled. Him shouting only made him angrier and merely smacked Gohan out the way, crashing him into a crater. Gohan got up hesitantly and ached for a moment.

"He's not listening" Gohan mumbled. Kuzuku started to spew fire out of his mouse, setting the forest and its surround ablaze. Aereos came rushing through the fire and started launching a barrage of Kiai at Kuzuku, but it had no affect. Aereos was now in fear, now that his attacks aren't even having an affect on him.

"Damn it! I didn't think that this Saiyan would force me to use this much power!" Aereos grunted. He then flew high into the sky and began to generate a tiny orb in his hand that began to create a swirl of dark energy. It broke off trees and destroyed buildings as it got bigger and bigger, eventually to the size rivaling that of Kid Buu's planet buster.

"Now prepare yourself Saiyan! This attack will annihilate you to completely nothing. Don't think about being in the afterlife since your soul will be destroyed along with you! Don't worry I won't make a misstep and accidentally destroy this universe! I wouldn't want Beerus to wake up and come here! HAHAHAAHAHAHA!" Aereos laughed as the dark-purplish energy raged on. Kuzuku looked up in confusion, as if he doesn't understand what he was saying. Aereos then launched his orb at Kuzuzku. It approached the ape and collided with his feral body. Aereos started to laugh maniacally as the golden ape was getting consumed by his darkness and having his soul being destroyed beneath him. That was until the most absurd thing he saw in his life happened before him. The giant Saiyan lifted his Darkness Desolation Bomb with both hands. He couldn't even grasped the idea of him tanking that, let alone lifted it up with both hands.

Dragon Ball: Super and Beyond (OLD VERSION!)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora