I grabbed the loo roll holder, it was a floor one. It's have to make do as a baseball bat. Fucksake Bella! What did you do? Why did you have to not follow instructions.

The door came open after Tristan booted it in. I swung straight for his head. He put his hands to his head which gave me time to get out the door.


I look up at Jasper, he didn't look happy. I went to slide out of his way when he grabbed my shoulder, daring me to move. I pulled back and hit him in the face, shoved him off me and ran down the stairs to the front door. What the hell was I doing? Why was I doing this?!

The front door hadn't been locked from Eli entering earlier with Bray, I pulled it open and legged it for the woody area I went to last time went I met Bray. It was literally like a dog walking kind of park woods.

I looked behind me to see none of them coming after me.

I slowed down to a limp. And went towards the tiny stream. Why was no one coming after me? The chip? For those of you who are confused. I have a tracker in my arm, the little microchip. And a band around my ankle which sets of a silent alarm if I get to far from Bray. So no way in hell am I ever escaping. Damn things.

I needed to cool off, plus my leg was hurting. I hadn't even had time to put shoes on and my hair was damp due to it not getting a proper soak in the shower and I didn't have time to put any underwear on, so it's literally sweat pants and a loose top. Luckily I'm flat chested and it wasn't told cold outside.

I figured the boys knew exactly where I was on the tracker, maybe they were giving me some time to cool off? Or waiting for me to get back? Or gonna jump me any second?

Buggar it!

I'm going to make the most of my freedom, I dipped my feet into the stream and smiled. Heaven.

Well almost heaven, I was paranoid about the guys jumping me but I was too scared to go back because I knew I was gonna get it. I sighed...... SHIT! Bella was probably getting it. Damn it Indie you're so selfish sometimes!

I hopped back up to my feet. And made a mental plan to try go in the back door which lead to the kitchen and get Into the garage. I got up to the house to hear it was quiet. Too suspicious. I slipped in the house as planned and grad the nearest hand held. It was already loaded.

I walked through to the living room very very cautiously, the cellar door was open. I peered in to find it was empty? The front room was empty.

I tiptoed upstairs checking the rooms one by one.

I realised the attack hatch was open and the ladder coming down. Distraction or were they up there?

What have I got myself into?!

I decided not to go up there, I smelt a trap.

I ventured into Jaspers room, Bella was sat on his bed, Jasper stroking her hair as if she were a cat. I looked at him as he watched me walk in. What was he playing at? Where are the others?

I checked his room to see if anyone was hiding, this is messed up. Bella looked at me before widening her eyes. I span round to see them all there behind me, so quiet. They pushed me into Jaspers room. And locked the door. Bella didn't dare to move. I dropped the gun hoping they'd drop there's.

They did nothing of the sort. Ollie wall me forward to me. "Now baby we dont run away, hit people and expect to get away with it now do we?"

I stepped back "I didn't run awa-"

" you left the house in one of you're moments, still counts" Eli butted in.

He came forward and grabbed me, I wasn't going down without a fight. I squared him in the jaw. Bad move. Bella screamed and as I looked towards Jasper pinning her down to the bed. Eli pinned me to the floor with me not going down easily kicking him. I had Bray and Tristan grab an arm each and Ollie and Noah grab my legs. Eli straddled me. " now play nice girly, I think you girls think that we've taught you everything, you didn't think we'd teach you everything did you?"

I tried moving but It was hopeless, I relaxed and submitted. With they all stood up.... With my arms and legs still in there hold. I thrashed about and they walked me outside towards the loft ladder. They flipped me up right and hauled me up the ladder, Ollie grabbing my hair.

"Please, I'm sorry! you assholes, we give you everything and you're never satisfied. You know I won't run, stop! Get of me you fucks!"

My yelling did nothing as it took all five of them to push me up the ladder. Eli followed up after me, I got up and ran into a corner. Eli looked down the hatch onto the landing.

"Take Bella down to her room and cuff her to the bed, three days should be enough for her outburst."

He looked towards me. I was debating hitting him again till I looked around me.

The attic was of chains , boxes, crap. The chains were on the wall. In one of the chain was a body.

An actual body.

I screamed a pitch worthy cry of terror.

Eli however was smiling. Physco. Absolute physco.

"Oops must have forgot about her, it's been a good three weeks, snuck her in here before we went to Elliot's. She smells a little doesn't she, starting to rot. I think you and her will get along, don't you?"

I looked at him and crawled to his feet, petrified. I mean I'd seen plenty of dead guys. Killed myself but I never saw them after that, this was a girl rotting and I was going to be left up here in complete darkness with her. Chained to a wall.

"Please don't do this, I'll do anything. Please!, this is too much Eli, please I beg of you!"

He ignored me and dragged my body towards the chain next to the corpse, I got a good whiff of her and threw up over Eli, he flicked his top of me. I threw up again. He locked the cuff around my leg. Stared down at me crawling away from the body as far as the chain would let me. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it infront me blowing it into my face.

I wrapped myself around his legs refusing to let go, I didn't wanna be here, this was worse than what Elliot did to me.

"This is for your own good girly, you need to show respect. We've been so good to you" he stroked my cheek as I let tears flow out of them

I protested "I didn't run away, I knew you'd find me. I came back"

"You came back for her, not us. We knew you'd come back no doubt about it. You running away isn't even a worry anymore. You need to be good and listen to orders, obey our every command. It's for your own good" he repeated.

I scrunched up my face ready to blurt out in tears. I saw him look in genuine pain and he leant forward and kissed my forehead lingering there, pulling back and looking intently at me. I spat in his face, right in his eyes. He wiped it away.

Put out his cigarette on my leg causing me to scream in pain and walked towards the hatch of the attic, he looked at me muttering "it's for you're own good"

I looked at him as he climbed down the ladder.

"You're a bastard" I screamed.

He took one last look at me and pulled the door down "see you in three days indie, sleep tight"

Thus shutting the hatch door and blocking out all sunlight and leaving me next to a rotting corpse.

Please god help me.

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