Book III-Chapter 22, August

Start from the beginning

Prince and Bella looked at each other. This is exactly the way that this had happened in Detroit four years ago and it had remained so for 3 months. When Prince and started to perform more in Chicago the same thing had happened there. The Creator was making His presence felt and it appeared that the music had a lot to do with it. Prince laid back down next to Bella and said to her "do you really think that the music is making this happen"? "No" Bella said, "I think that the Creator is making this happen using the music as a vessel". Prince thought about that and had to agree. "What do you think we should do" Bella asked? "Nothing", he said "except wait for instructions. We will know where to go and what to do when we are supposed to. When you think about it, that is what has happened in the past". "Yes Prince, you're right" she said.


Prince's POV

Prince cuddled up to Bella and they watched the rest of the newscast together. Bella, I was thinking maybe we could get away for a few days. I originally thought about either Aruba or the Bahamas and having it be a surprise, but when I checked availability and pricing, I was shocked at the expense. For just us, no problem but we need to have at least 2 bodyguards with us also and I think that is a lot for Carlos and me right now. Bella smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "We could use some time away", Bella said, "but that is a little exotic for our circumstances right now. Why not go someplace close by like Catalina Island or even Lake Tahoe. It is beautiful in both summer and winter I have read". "Wow, not only is she a looker, she is smart too", Prince said. He looked at her for a moment and added..."yeah, I think I will keep her". Bella playfully punched him on the arm. "Let's look up the rates for a stay on Catalina". He got up and pulled his laptop from his valise and began to research those two destinations as well as some others up Route 101 going toward San Francisco. He showed Bella some of the places on Catalina and also Half Moon Bay that he had accidentally stumbled upon. There were beaches although they were probably cooler than the ones in Southern California, great restaurants and nice accommodations in both places. They would discuss it with Carlos and Elaine over dinner and make a decision. Both of these options though were much more affordable.

Bella pulled on some summer weight lounging pajamas and pulled her hair back into a pony tail. Prince put on some shorts and a World Changers T shirt that one of the band members had given him. Turning off the Cloud Stream, they went into the kitchen and got some juice and sat at the table talking. About 10 minutes later the food arrived. It smelled really good. Elaine set the table and once everyone was seated, Carlos said grace and they dug in. The California Rolls were great and the shrimp/lobster bowls were even better. The bowls included fried rice or noodles and vegetables. To enhance the bowls each order came with ginger and mustard sauces. The meal was really good and tasted even better because no-one had to cook. Prince brought up what he had discovered in the search for a quick getaway and Carlos agreed that the pricing found for Aruba and the Bahamas was too much right now. They settled on Half Moon Bay after Prince showed them pictures of the Area and the rooms at the Half Moon Bay Inn. He booked 2 King rooms and one room with two double beds for the 2 body guards. They would leave and drive up the coast on Friday, August 9 and return on Tuesday August 13.

Prince updated them on the latest on the Album and the Promotion Plan. The Album would drop on August 16th. Christian was to confirm when they would be doing the promotion shows. He thought they were going to begin on the day of the drop in either New Orleans or Atlanta, but they would know for sure by tomorrow. He knew that due to the girls having to return to school and availability of venues they would be doing 7 promo shows. That would be supported by some interviews on air later of Prince and Carlos. The girls started to clear the dishes when Prince's phone rang. He saw that it was Christian calling. "This is Royal" he said. "Hey there" Christian said. "Lou got all of the shows set up with the venues with the last confirming today. The shows will begin on August 16 in New Orleans the day that the Album drops. I am emailing you the rest of the schedule as we speak". It is really compacted with travel but you have a few days each week just to chill out". "Let me pull it up" Prince said. He went and got his laptop, powered it up and pulled up his email . "Wow", he said. "I am glad we are going away this week. We are going to need a break before all this breaks loose". " When do you leave" Christian asked? "We are driving up the coast on the Friday August 9 and will drive back on Tuesday August 13". "That doesn't leave a lot of studio time" Christian said. "Well had we known earlier I probably would have come back on Monday...but we can go into the studio on Wednesday August 14...rehearse as long as needed and again on the 15th. When do we fly"? "The four of you and you bodyguards will fly the night of the 15th. Because of the tight schedule we will have the band fly in the early morning of the 16th. I can't fly them later as we do not want to risk cancelled flights". "Christian you know we will do whatever we can to make this work...but the flights are going to be a problem as we need to be there in time to do sound checks in each city and they also have to get some rest so that they can play. This is too tight" Prince said. Christian reviewed the schedule again and then said, "I think you are right. Give me a few minutes and I will call you back", Christian said. Christian called back within 1/2 hour. He had great news. " I talked to our President and he is going to make the Corporate Jet available for each concert. It seats 15 and by my count you need 13 seats so I may come along with you on some of the flights. It is a Gulfstream 550 and can handle the coast to coast trips and has enough cargo space to handle all of your instruments and amps. Make sure the drums and guitars are in cases and if you need some let me know". "We need some", Royal said laughing, "but only for the drums. We have cases for the guitars". "I will make sure you have them". We will have a bus type vehicle to pick you all up and take you to the venue and hotels and we will figure out the rest as we go along. Let's make this happen Royal". " If you get us there...we will make the music happen with the grace of God", Royal said. "Yes, I know you will. I will update the schedule with flight times and dates also. I will send it over shortly".

The new schedule came over in the next hour and looked much more do-able as they did not have to rely on commercial flights.

There were going to be some nights when they were tired but this was much more workable than the previous one. He showed it to all involved including the body guards and explained how to interpret the schedule. He emailed all the band members the schedule and told them to text him to confirm receipt. He was starting to second guess himself on their getaway but when he discussed it with Carlos, he said "we only have to get our instruments on the plane and pack enough for a maximum of 3 days and that trip is not until the end of the month. The others are shorter. There is no reason for us not to go. Plus the girls have been working their tails off for free. They deserve this getaway". Prince knew he was right, told him so and thanked him for helping to keep his head on straight.

The four of them talked for a while and could not help but be excited about the next several weeks. Bella thought it was really kind for Christian to get the Corporate Jet for them. Prince and Carlos agreed. But Prince said, someday if God is willing we will have our own. Carlos and Prince fist bumped and pointing to the ceiling said "Praise the Creator". Bella and Elaine called their parents and shared the news with them. Before they went to bed that night they were really excited and became even more so as they watched the 10:00 News.

In the news tonight we have learned that the city and all of its surrounding suburbs remain crime free. It has now been over 24 hours with no murders, no assaults and no drug fueled activity being reported. No-one seems to be able to explain why, but the peace is truly appreciated by all of the citizens and police and firemen in the metropolitan Los Angeles area. Perhaps the Angels after whom our city is named are exerting their influence. Whatever it is we all pray that it continues. One of the largest churches in the city, Angeles Temple has suggested that we all praise God for this blessed event. "In our city this can truly be considered a miracle" Pastor Hiram Leonard said. "Pray that our God heals our land". Not a bad sentiment...not a bad sentiment at all. This is Heather O'Rourke reporting from Cloud Stream 1273 in Los Angeles, California.

Prince, Bella, Carlos and Elaine and their body guards listened and rejoiced. The body guards being from Detroit and Chicago had seen this before and knew that the same thing had happened when Royal and the World Changers had performed a series of concerts in those cities about 4 years ago. They stood in a circle in the small living room in Prince and Carlos's duplex and prayed for the Creator to heal their land and for Prince and the band and their dancers to be obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Saying good night they hugged each other and went to bed leaving two of the body guards on duty and feeling very hopeful of what the future might bring.

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