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I had been walking for an hour, not even knowing where I was going.

I felt like my mind wasn't working well. I feel so occupied with the guilt I'm currently feeling.

I feel ...selfish.

I looked up and noticed that I was already infront of the apartment. I guess my feet took me home.

I pursed my lips and took a deep breath. I can't cry infront of Jimin.

I knocked on the door, and then it was quickly opened by Jimin.

Worry was drawn all over his face as I tried to avoid him.

"Where were you?" He grabbed my wrist, preventing me from walking away.

I stayed still and quiet, not even in the state to mutter a single word.

"I said where were you?" His voice raised a little, and I flinched.

His eyes travelled to my neck, and I was scared to see how his eyes suddenly looked dull. His grip on my wrist loosened, slowly letting go.

I wish he didn't see it. I quickly walked away, but stopped in place when he started scolding again.

I only did that to show manners, but seriously, he will never earn a single word from me.

"I searched every fountain, and almost the whole city of Seoul then you come back here, ignoring me?!"
I could feel strong agony in his voice.

I bit my lip, holding back a tear, but failing afterwards when I felt a single tear drop down on my cheek.

I closed my eyes for a mere second, taking another deep breath.

When I opened them, Jimin was infront of me. His expression softened when he looked at me.

He gently ran his thumb over my cheeks, wiping the tear that had only started.

He wrapped his arms around me, engulfing me into a warm hug.

That's when I completely broke down.

I cried my eyes out, feeling my chest slowly loosen up.

Jimin hushed me, caressing my back and rubbing circles on it as he calmed me.

"I'm really hopeless, aren't I?"
I sarcastically chuckled.

Jimin pulled away, just enough to look at my face. He tucked in a strand of hair behind my ear, wiping my tears once again.

"Why did I even try when in the first place, I already knew I'd lose?"
I bawled my feelings out.

"It's ridiculous," I sighed, "I'm dumb."

Jimin pressed his lips delicately against the top of my head, still calming me with his hand caressing my back.

Jimin's POV

If only I could protect you from all the pain.

"What's this?" I took all my courage to ask, holding a part of his neck that was bruised.

"It's.. n-nothing.." She was stuttering as she held my wrist, pushing my hand away.

Of course, I'm not dumb enough to not know that it was a hickey.

I can't believe her. Is she really desperate enough to let herself be marked my a man who doesn't even know her worth?

If I could, I would treat her better.

I just don't know if she'll let me.

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