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Jimin's POV

I fluttered my eyes open, first thing - or person I saw was Saerin.

I wish it could be like this every day, waking up to her pretty face.

Her face was buried into my chest, while one arm was hanging loosely around my torso.

My gaze averted to Jaehyun, who was laying horizontally on top of our bodies.

I quietly giggled. How did we get into this position?

I carefully slipped out of Saerin's embrace, replacing my body with a pillow.

I also moved Jaehyun to a better position, which was beside Saerin.

I looked at them, who were still asleep. A faint smile crawled up to my lips.

It's what I always imagined, waking up to this sweet sight.

I quietly made my way out of the room and prepared some cereal, pouring milk afterwards.

I checked the time and it was six in the morning. I still have to take Jaehyun to his preschool in an hour.

I placed the bowl on a tray and took it inside my bedroom. I placed it on the nightstand table and sat on one side of the bed.

Saerin shifted a few times, until she fluttered her eyes open and looked at me, her hair standing up in different directions.

She was still beautiful.

"Good morning," I smiled as she sat up.

"Good morning." She mumbled, yawning at the same time.

She ran her fingers through the little child's hair, attempting to wake him up.

He whined before rubbing his eyes, sitting up comfortably.

Saerin pulled him close, leaning Jaehyun's body onto hers.

"Wake up~" She tickled him, resulting to Jaehyun's giggles filling the room.

"Good morning~" She smiled at him after stopping the short morning bond.

"Good morning!" He exclaimed, now full of energy.

"Eat?" I asked Jaehyun and he quickly nodded.

He opened his mouth as I spooned him some cereal drenched in milk.

"What about Saerin noona?" He asked, staring at me and then at Saerin.

Saerin and I chuckled. I held up a spoonful of cereal infront of her mouth jokingly.

Saerin looked hesitant but a playful smile was on her face. She surprisingly ate it, as Jaehyun grinned in amusement.

"I'm taking Jaehyun to preschool today, do you want to come?" I asked.

Jaehyun looked at her with pleading eyes.

"I have nothing to do today, so why not?" She said and Jaehyun repeatedly jumped on the bed, chanting yay.

We talked about random things to kill boredom while I fed Jaehyun. It wasn't too long until we decided to wash up and get ready.

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