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proofread by _JEONJIMIN_

Taehyung decided to visit his best friend after Jimin told him that Jungkook was not home.

He arrived around one with packs of lunch he bought from the convenience store but when he opened the door, he could smell something good from the kitchen.

"Jimin." He called. Jimin who helped the maid in the kitchen heard his voice and came out.

He looked so cute with an apron on, that Taehyung couldn't miss his opportunity to snap a photo of his. He quickly pulled his phone out. "For your birthday photo." He said as his eyes turned to his phone screen. It was their tradition to upload weird or funny photos of the birthday boy. Jimin walked towards him and they hugged.

"Missed you."

"You're chubby now." Taehyung said, noticing his best friend's body changes. "Jungkook is taking care of you well."

Jimin led him to the dining area and the table was already full with food. "Did you invite anyone else?"

"No, just the two of us. Why?"

"I bought your favorite bento and with all these, we could feed ten more people." Taehyung said. Jimin scratched his head, not knowing what to do because his best friend was right.

They finally decided to ask the maids to join them. At first, the maids were shy but because of Taehyung's friendly attitude, they became comfortable with openly talking about themselves.

Jimin excused himself when he heard his phone ringing and went to check the caller. He smiled when he saw the name on the screen was Jungkook's.

He slid the green and walked towards the stairs to his room.

[Hey, babe.]


[Miss you so much.] Jimin giggled.

"Hmm, miss you too."

[What're you doing?]

"Having lunch with the maids and Tae."

[Oh, with maids?]

"Yeah, I was excited that Taehyung was coming and cooked so many dishes. And then he bought some food too so we wouldn't finish it all and asked them to join us."

[Ahh, that sounds fun.]

"It is. So, how was your meeting?"

[Everything is okay and tomorrow I will sign the contract. If nothing happens, I'm coming back right after that.]

"Good to hear that."



[I love you.] Jimin blushed just by hearing those three words. He smiled and held his breath, he doesn't even know why he did that. [Hello? Jimin?]

"Yes, still here."

[I need to go now, Yoongi is calling me.] Jimin could hear the sound of the door open and Yoongi's voice from the other side.

[Hyung, wait, 1 minute.] Jimin heard Jungkook say to Yoongi.


"Call me again later okay? Yoongi-hyung is waiting for you."

[Okay, bye. Love you]



Jimin was shocked when he was walking towards the kitchen, he saw Jiyeon sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Jiyeon's eyes widened while looking at Jimin as he made his way to his best friend who stood at the doorway looking at Jiyeon.

"Jimin, let's go back to your room." Taehyung said as he grabbed his wrist.

Jimin shook his head no and gave his best friend a small smile. "I'm fine." He said to assure him, proving him that he's not as weak as Taehyung thought.

He can face her, with or without Jungkook.

Taehyung stared at him as he turned around and walked towards her and he could see Jimin's hand was slightly trembling. He knew Jimin wasn't tough as what he presented but he didn't know what was in Jimin's mind right now that made him walk towards Jiyeon.

"Mrs. Jeon." Jimin called and gave her a ninety degree bow. "I didn't know you would come and visit us today. Jungkook wouldn't be home until tomorrow and I'm so sorry I couldn't prepare anything. Have a seat, I can ask our maid to prepare some bird nest soup now. It's still your favorite right?"

"Never thought I could see you here, slut." Jimin tried to maintain his smile.

"I'm living here now, I'm Mr. Jeon's lover."

Jiyeon's smile faded at his words. "Oh, well that's what a slut usually does, isn't it? He just begged you a little and you already gave yourself to him? You know right that he's not serious, he just likes to play with you? Hmmm, but why did you still accept him back? Oh, of course! You wouldn't let go of the opportunity, my son is like a bank for a slut like you. Although you know all the facts I said, you wouldn't care because all you care is money, isn't it? Slut's mind; money over pride."

Taehyung couldn't stand watching her insult his best friend. "You bitch -" Jimin stopped him.

"You can say whatever you want Mrs. Jeon. If I'm a slut to you then you can call me that forever. I don't care because I know that in Jungkook's eyes, your son, I'm his world. He would die for me."

"Oh don't be too confident, slut."

Jimin ignored her and continued. "I can say that Jungkook's love to me is like your husband's love to his mistress, I heard he passed away not because of a heart attack as what news said but he had committed suicide. You knew about his mistress and blackmailed him to send his second family far away from him, right? Doesn't that mean you're the reason he died? Oh, and is it true that 10% of his shares were given to his mistress and you just got 7%? He really loved her but not you. Poor you Mrs. Jeon. Your husband didn't love you and your son is in love with a slut like me." Jimin knew that he shouldn't talk about someone who already died but he really wanted to hurt her back by his words, just like how she always did to him.

Jiyeon couldn't counterattack him and just grabbed her handbag and walked out from the house.

"Wow Jimin!" Taehyung clapped his hands as he stared at the entrance door. "That was totally cool, if I were you, I might have just thrown trash on her head."


Jimin didn't tell anything about Jiyeon to Jungkook that night. He was watching tv when he heard a car entering his garage and knew it was Jungkook. He switched off the tv and walked to the entrance door. Jungkook hugged him tightly without saying anything.

"Is everything okay?" He asked after pulling away.

"Yes?" Jimin said, confused.

"My mom didn't hurt you or anything right?"

"She hurt me here." Jimin pointed his chubby finger to his chest. "My heart." He joked.

But Jungkook didn't understand his joke and turned gloomy. "I'm sorry for not protecting you from her as I promised."

Jimin smiled and caressed Jungkook's hair. "Hey, I hurt her too yesterday, so there's nothing for you to apologize about and I think I can handle her now."

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