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proofread by vedlcrz
2nd proofread by _JEONJIMIN_


Jiyeon woke up earlier than usual because her son is coming back today. She prepared her husband's clothes for work before entering the kitchen, checking on her maids who were preparing food. Once she was satisfied, she walked past the kitchen to a small store with Uee following behind her with a tray of food.

She unlocked and pushed the door wide open, revealing Jimin who's sleeping on the bed. Her maid lowered her head, walked into Jimin's new room and placed the tray on the table and jumped a bit when Jiyeon closed the door with a loud bang. Jimin woke up too.

"Good morning Mr. Jimin."

Jimin didn't reply and pulled his blanket close to his chest. "I brought you breakfast." Uee took the bowl of porridge and gave it to Jimin but he didn't accept the bowl and turned his head looking outside the window beside his bed. "Jimin, please eat something." Uee begged.

"You said you will help me." Jimin said with a sore voice, maybe because he just woke up. Or maybe because of crying all night until he fell asleep.

"I am helping you, I just need time to get you out of here." Uee placed the bowl back on the table and took Jimin's hand and squeezed it. "Jungkook is coming home today."

Jimin's eyes widened when Uee mentioned his boyfriend's name, he couldn't lie that he didn't miss his boyfriend although after he heard all the things Jiyeon said. Something inside his mind forced him to not believe what she said about Jungkook.

"With Yuju." Uee continue, lowering her voice.

"Who's Yuju?" Jimin stuttered and asked, scared to know if what in his mind is right or not.

"Jungkook's girlfriend."


"Welcome back honey!" Jiyeon said with a smile and hugged her son. Jungkook kissed her cheek and entered his parent's mansion and the maids took his bag to his room. "Where's Yuju?"

"Yuju? Don't know." He replied as he made his way to the sofa. "Where's Jimin?"

"Did you have fun in Japan?" Jiyeon sat beside her son.

"I worked mom. Where's Jimin?"

"Then did Yuju -"

"Uee-ahjumma, where's Jimin?" Uee was startled when her young master suddenly called her name and stopped pouring tea into the cup. She turned her head, stared at Jungkook then at Jiyeon. "I wanna see him first then we can continue chatting, okay mom?"

Jiyeon scowled and stood up. She climbed the stairs to her room with a heartache when her son ignored her and kept asking where Jimin was.

She then came out from her room and threw a bundle of keys from upstairs, she might be cruel to Jimin but she really can't say no to anything her son wants.


Jungkook was shocked when Uee led him past the kitchen to the store room and unlocked it. "Jimin?" He asked, Uee smiled and opened the door for him. It was empty.

"He's in here." Uee said and left. Jungkook looked at her walking back to the kitchen, still confused why she brought him there. He wants to see Jimin, not an empty store room.

Jungkook heard the door unlock and turned his head into the store room and found Jimin standing with a towel around his waist and on his head looking shocked, staring at him.

After a few moments, Jungkook realized something different with Jimin.

He's so skinny and his tummy... .

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